Does anyone ever have trouble with your blood sugar dropping during exercise?

I am six months out, and I have lost about 106lbs. I exercise about 3 or 4 times per week. When I exercise I almost pass out, and I feel shaky all over and very week, my husband has a machine that checks his sugar level, and I started checking mine when I started feeling this way, and my blood sugar is going very low. I eat an orange or something and after an hour or so I start to feel better. Has anyone else had this to happen to them? I also had this spell happen to me at work yesterday sitting at my desk. I plan to call the doctor, but if any of you could shine some light on this for me-I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much.    — Michelle S. (posted on February 6, 2003)

February 6, 2003
Michele, this has happened to me as well...I have never passed out, but, have felt very dizzy...I work out @ 6am every morning (5 days/wk)...I walk to the gym, i live in NYC and its a 10+ block walk)..As I am walking, I eat a ZONE Protein raises my blood sugar and keeps me from being dizzy during my workout...SInce it is only about 200 calories, I easily burn it off during my workout! Good Luck to you! Heather (Ope RNY 8/15/02, 305/214/150)
   — heathercross

February 6, 2003
This happens to me as well. Are you doing cardio and weight lifting? I'm doing both, about an hour total 4 times a week. "Normal" weight lifters usually have carbs or something right after a work out b/c the body needs something to burn. I usually have a protein drink right before I work out and something after, whether fruit or a sandwich/sub. I know some post-ops don't eat carbs or what not, and even though they shouldn't be the center of a meal, it's still good to eat them when working out. Even if that is the one time you eat bread or something like it that day, it's the best time to. Our bodies require more fuel now since we're working out. Since I started doing this, I don;t feel as shaky or weak. Goodluck to you and congrats on such a good weight loss!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 6, 2003
WOW! Yes this has happened to me many times! I get dizzy, clammy and generally feel yucky. It gets me so frustrated. I have to stop my workout. I just get myself ready for bed and go to sleep. I usually do my workouts at night before bed. Strange I know but it works for me and in my schedule. It only happens when I am exercising. I agree with Lezli that eating some carbs would help.
   — Karen D.

February 6, 2003
I have had this happen to me also. I go to a personel trainer 3X a week. We do cardio and circuit training. He recommends about an hour before we work out to eat some carbs. Whether it be pasta, bread, potato, legumes or fruit. I don't do pasta or bread (it makes me feel yucky). After working out he recommends a protein shake within the hour so your muscles recover faster. I find this works really well. If I do a protein shake before working out, I am dizzy and can't get through my workout. Hope this helps. Good Luck **kelly
   — Kelly T.

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