I have stuff in my drain that looks like snott.

I have stuff in my drain that looks like snott. I went to my doctor and had another leak test today. All is leaks. My doctor looked at it and really didn't know what it was and he has been doing this for 20 years. It doesn't smell and I have no fever. I told my doctor that I knew I was full of snott but this is weird. Has anyone else had this problem?    — Catherine B. (posted on March 29, 2003)

March 29, 2003
After my TT I had 4 drains with this long clear tubing so saw lots of that stuff. As I understand it, its fat.
   — Shelly S.

July 27, 2003
My home nurse told me it is just another form of clots and nothing to worry about.
   — Jennifer S.

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