Does your CPAP mask leave marks on your face?

I was just wondering if anyone else has a problem w/ their CPAP machine leaving marks on your face? I just got mine and have only slept w/ it two days now, but both days I went to work w/ a big flippin' triangle around my nose. Mucho embarrassing! Any ideas about how to keep that from happening? I have tried to loosen it, but it breaks the seal and air leaks out. As always, thanks for your help. - Christina    — Christina Z. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
Maybe a different sized forehead thingy? Might change the angle w/o braking the seal.
   — vitalady

May 8, 2003
I have been using a CPAP machine for two years. I have two types of masks, one leaves more indentations in the morning. The mask that leaves the least amount of marks on my face is the nasel canula. However I feel I get the best air exchange from the full face mask. Guess it depends on my level of vanity as to which I use. It was hard to talk the Tech. in to the nasel canula however during the week It sure does help me to go in public in the morning. Hope this helps. Jean
   — Jean G.

May 8, 2003
Hello Christina, I have had a c-pap for almost 4 years now. Yes, it leaves marks on your face, but they go away after a while. They are just indentations in your skin. If you are speaking of red marks that don't go away, you could be allergic to the rubber on the mask. I hate my machine! I am sick of having to wear it. Alot of times, I wake up during the night or in the morning with the mask in my hand or on the floor. I don't even remember taking it off. When I first got it, once I got used to having it on my face, it was great! I finally could sleep through the night after all the years of not being able to. It felt so good! I could even sleep-in occasionally. Anyway, don't worry about the marks. I take a nice hot shower when I get up and scrub my face really good and it seems to be fine within the first 30 minutes that I am up. I have never left the house with marks on my face. They don't last. Wear your mask like the doc tells you to. You will have headaches and body aches if you don't sleep with it on. Everytime you stop breathing, you damage another nerve or cell in your body. I am going for my WLS on the 19th of this month, and I am hoping that I won't ever have to have this thing again after all this excess baggage is gone. Good luck, Missy
   — Zarny

May 8, 2003
hey christina... i also sleep with the cpap machine.. in the beginning i was also having marks left on my face. my guess is that you need to loosen the straps.. i keep the straps extremely loose because once you turn on the machine the mask suctions itself to your face. hope this works. i don't know where i would be without the machine.. i found out that i needed it because i fell asleep at the wheel.. scary!!! anyway good luck!
   — Jaime K.

May 8, 2003
Christina, I've used my CPAP for the past 11 years. Yes they do leave marks on your face. most of the time they fade before I get to work and over the past years I've only had one fool ask me what they were from and made fun of the marks. He has since retired, thank God!! I use a Mirage mask and it doesn't seem to leave as many marks. check to see if there are any other ways to adjust the mask, mine does have an adjustable bridge piece on it and I do have to re-asjust it occasionally. Pleas don't take it off during the night, My husband also had OSA, he choked to death beside me in bed. wasn't any fun and I sometimes still have trouble getting to sleep at night. It's been 11 years this month since that happened. I also have to take my machine with me to the hospital the 25th of next month. Good luck. Sue-Ellen
   — Sue-Ellen J.

May 8, 2003
I have only used my cpap a couple of times because it leaves marks and leaves my nose and face really sore. Now they gave me the pillows no head gear it just goes in your nostrils and around your ears like the oxygen you get in the hospital it is great no more problems.
   — jnmcneil

May 9, 2003
When I got my CPAP machine the mask I used had nasal pillars, I could not use a mask that covered my mouth because of my goatee. It never left any marks. However at first it made my nostrils red. This was cured by a little vasiline before I went to sleep with it. The CPAP was wondeful next to WLS and PS. It is the greatest getting a full night's restful sleep. I would wake in the morning and think Gee I guess after you sleep you feel good and rested ;)
   — Robert L.

May 9, 2003
Christine, I switched to the nasal pillows for that very reason and they leave no marks. You might give it a try. Good luck. It does get easier I promise.
   — Ann B.

May 9, 2003
I've been using a CPAP for 8 years. I just got my first gel mask and it doesn't leave marks on my face like the older style mask I was using. I'd also like to add a word about getting off it after your surgery. I thought I'd be able to get off mine once I had lost about 80 pounds. I talked to the pulmonologist and scheduled another sleep study. They did turn the pressure on my machine down, but I still need to use it. Some people just decide to quit using it. Also ask your surgeon about taking it to the hospital. Some want you to and some don't. My surgeon absolutely did NOT want me using it when I was immediately post op. However, others do want you to use it. Ask before you lug it to the hospital with you.
   — garw

May 9, 2003
Nasal pillows are the way to go to avoid the red triangle marks around your nose.....however I am a stomach sleeper and I have figured out how to sleep on my tummy even with the nasal pillows on so now I sometimes get the red strap marks across my cheeks.But I think it's a small price to pay for being able to sleep in my preferred position. :)
   — jennifer A.

May 10, 2003
I have a continuous red arc over the top of the bridge of my nose from Loki, my cpap machine. Some days it's redder than others, some days it fades quickly. If someone not in the know asks about it, I just tell them that Loki got a little carried away during the night, and I'm sporting his love mark today. That usually stops the questioning right there! ;)
   — Dragon G.

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