How in the HECK am I supposed to get all this stuff in??

Okay... from day one, I've been studying that I should have 64 oz of water min, 60 grams of protein min, vitamins and soft food... but now that I'm a week post-op, I have NO FLIPPIN' IDEA how I'm supposed to get all that in. If I drink half a shake (approx 15 grams of protein) I don't feel like I can put anything else in my stomach for hours. Much less having three more shakes and 64 OZ OF WATER! And vitamins. And soft food. I need some guidance. I'm very frustrated because I'm tired all the time, but all the advice says that I have to get all that in, in order to not be so tired... and it's just not working. Period. There don't seem to be enough hours in a day. Any advice you can give is appreciated. Thanks, Christina    — Christina Z. (posted on July 29, 2003)

July 29, 2003
How do you get it all in at one week post op? You probably don't. Some folks can, others can't. You just do the best you can. Think of it in terms of priorities...water first, then supps, then protein. The good news is that protein drinks can be counted towards your liquid intake for the day as well. Later on, I didn't but the first 6 weeks I did. At one week out, you will not get very much in. But at two weeks out, you should be able to get a bit more and then gradually work up from there. The minimum is your goal, but at times you just won't make it. Don't sweat it. Just relax, and heal. Stressing out about the numbers right now won't help, so just go with the shakes, water and supps until you feel like some soft foods. It will come, we promise!
   — Susan F.

July 29, 2003
I asked my doc the same thing. He said "do the best you can." Also, said it was OK not to get all the protein etc. Our pouches are small one week post-op.
   — Kelly P.

July 29, 2003
I don't know, but let me know if you find out! I am 6 weeks out, seemingly platued at -39 pounds, and am afraid it's because I don't get enough to eat. I don't have any real hunger, and have to really work hard to get in what little I do. Good luck to us both!
   — Leslie R.

July 29, 2003
You won't get it all in early on. Those are goals. Until you're eating regular food, it will be hard to get all of your protein in. My dietititan's goals for me changed each week. When iwas on liquids and purees, I was supposed to strive for 30 grams a day, then 45 grams at soft food, then 60 grams when I got to regular food. It is much more important for you in the first few weeks to get enough liquid in. Dehydration is dangerous and nasty. If you can drink liquids with protein in them (protein shakes, skim milk with dry milk powder mixed in, etc.), you can count that as both liquid and protein. Work on it every day. By the time you've been on regular food for a week or so, it will be much easier (remember, liquids, vitamins and protein, in that order, at this very early stage). It gets so much better real soon. Hang in there a couple of weeks, and you'll forget about these early frustrations.
   — Vespa R.

July 29, 2003
Christina you wont be able to get it all in get what you can and just keep drinking all day. The rest will work itself you must give it time. I know it is aggravating but be patient it will be ok. carolyn
   — carolyn W.

July 30, 2003
At a week postop you will probably be tired regardless of what you can get in...I was constantly tired up until I was about a month postop.You went through major surgery and your body is still healing which can take alot out of you.The most important thing to concentrate on right now is fluids so you don't get dehydrated.Yes protein and vitamins are very important but at this stage fluids should be your main priority.The swelling in your tummy will lessen making it easier to meet all of the requirements.
   — jennifer A.

October 10, 2003
Nine days Post Op and been wondering the same thing. It's like a war to get in 64 gm Protein and 64 oz liquid! What I do is use the Pure Protein Powder from GNC, use 2 scoops(25 gm per scoop), put 2/3 cup powdered milk, 1/3 cup of Tofu and that is just about my 64 gms of Protein. I make the shake to be about 32 ounces of liquid which still leaves me only 30 ounces of liquid to consume. I also am drinking chicken bouillion and water. An occasional treat of fruit juices!! I have to eat(drink) every half hour to get it all in and sometimes I make it and sometimes I don't.Have lost 15 lbs so far and feel great, so I guess what I'm doing is working. Blessings, Eve
   — December Rose B.

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