When does the nausea go away

I am 7 weeks post op, down about 60 pds, but always nauseous. I gag and throw up alot, although mostly spit comes out. I am not eating as much as I should due to this problem and am having a real hard time taking my vitamins. Does anyone have any suggestions. I take small sips and eat small bites. I had open RNY on 9/16/03. As of right now, this is the worst thing I have ever done.    — Patricia P. (posted on October 31, 2003)

October 31, 2003
Hi, Patricia: I totally understand your frustration. I've had a pretty tough recovery also. My advice would be to call your surgeon. I'm 10 1/2 weeks out, and I had to go for observation to the hospital to see if we could figure out why I'm so nauseous and have vomiting. I had an upper GI done, and today I had an endoscopy done; we found narrowing of the stoma, which they dilated, we found a couple loose staples which were removed (they can contribute to the nausea) and we also found I have an ulcer at my stoma. I feel much better right now; I just hope it lasts. The doctor gave me meds to help with the nausea and also to heal the ulcer. Please call your surgeon to try to figure out what's wrong. You're stoma may be narrowed or there may be some other problem that's relatively easy to fix. Good luck!
   — Moysa B.

October 31, 2003
I just had my 2nd endoscopy with balloon dilatation today. My surgery was 8-11-03. I have not been able to eat very well either and I hope this endoscopy worked this time.
   — Checker B.

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