How do I set up my profile?

I would like to enter a journal and share with the other members my journey. I have seen this done on several other members' profiles but cannot figure out how to set mine up. HELP! I guess I'm techno-challenged.    — lfisher (posted on January 4, 2005)

January 4, 2005
You need to write [email protected]. They will fix you up. Shell
   — Shell G

January 4, 2005
I also asked the same question, I just wanted mine spruced up, I sent them an e-mail and they sent back questions they needed answered to do it. Then I kept getting first request, second request, etc. I sent them the information twice now, don't know if they ever received it or not. They are a great team, and do beautiful work. I just don't know why they are not getting my info, if you find out let me know.
   — penciepaws

January 4, 2005
I didn't understand either but it's simple... When you set up your profile, there is a big text box. To make a journal, you just keep adding your updates into that text box.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 4, 2005
This link should answer all your questions.
   — TheresaC

January 5, 2005
E-mail to this address. Be patient they have volunteers that do this and sometimes they can get backed up. Once you e-mail them the will request some information on what you like such as favorite colors and a theme. YOu can do a search at for web sets to get som ideas or be creative. If for now you just want to start your journal creat your profile and when you log into your page their is a option to update your journal. It is the 1st option on the left hand side. I hope this helps [email protected] Good luck Sharon
   — JerseyGirl

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