I am going to have an iron transfusion next week.

Hello! I am two years post-op rny lap. I am running about 7.9--8.2 for my hemoglobin. I am exhausted!! My hemotologists is now recommending either blood or iron. I opted for the iron. I've looked over some postings and have not come to find a good outcome from the iron infusion. Is it going to help or not? I really do not want to waste all my days off going and getting these infusions if they are not going to help!!! Please anyone with an iron infusion experience please respond!!! The hemotologists says I will feel wonderful after it is all done and said! I am so Confused!!!!    — kelley G. (posted on February 23, 2005)

February 23, 2005 ... This is a group specifically for iron and pernicious anemia, so you might want to post this question there as several peopl ehave had very good results with infusions, shots and/or switching their oral irons.
   — vitalady

February 23, 2005
For me personally it helped until I had my next PS which dropped the numbers again. I had a LBL a year ago and lost 5 units of blood. It was a 10-3/4 hr surgery. I received 3 units of blood while in the hospital which brought me into the 9 range. I took iron supplements for a while but later found out that the ferrous sulfate the PS told me to take I would not likely absorb. My numbers must have climbed some before my next PS 3-1/2 months later because the numbers were high enough for me to donate a unit of blood for myself but would not have been high enough to donate in general. The morning of surgery they commented my numbers were below normal but high enough that they proceeded. I'm not even sure what they were. Again I took the ferrous sulfate after surgeyr but stopped it shortly because it constipated me so bad. In August I had labs drawn and my hemoglobin was 10 something, so my internist ordered iron infusions. I had then once a day for 4 days in a row. It managed to bring my level up to 12.6 which is in the normal range. I have no reason to assume it would not have stayed there had I not had another PS. After the last PS it dropped to 10.3 again. He wanted to do infusions again but I opted to try iron pills for 3 months to see what they could do. But this time I used the ferrous fumarate and the ferrous gluconate and took vitamin c with it, which solved the constipation portion for me. In the 3 months time the level came up to 10.6. So now I have opted to have iron infusions again and I start them this afternoon. I am hopeful they will get back into the normal range again and this time I will be able to maintain it. I had been taking iron/vitamin c 3 times a day and with trying to space that out from the calcium and multi-vitamins etc. there just weren't enough hours in the day. I hoping I do not need any more iron supplements but if I need some to maintain I'm hoping it will only be once a day, as that will be much easier to work into the routine. He is going to check my levels in 2 weeks after the infusions and then again in 3 months. So we will know if I am able to maintain what the infusions give me. <p>It is important to eat iron rich foods also, so you can get as much benefit as possible. I eat a lot of shrimp which is high in iron and quite a bit of red meat. My LDL is 71 and HDL is 63, so I really don't need to worry about the cholesterol in these foods. With your numbers being so low I say go for the iron infusions. You may need to have them a few times to totally get the numbers up and keep them up but it's safer than getting blood products if you can avoid it. If you can't then do what you have to. I cannot even imagine trying to function on a daily basis with your numbers. Mine were in the high 7's after the LBL and after I had already had the unit of blood I donated. I felt like a rung out dish rag and wondered if I would ever get out of the hospital. They started giving me the first of two units of blood and by the time the 1st one was half in I felt like I wanted to live. By the end of two units I felt so much better. Granted I had just had surgery, but even still I had so much more energy with the blood and my numbers only moved into the 9's, so you can just imagine what you'd feel like if you could even get into the 10 range. Good luck and I hope the infusions help!
   — zoedogcbr

February 23, 2005
Kelley, Last year my hemoglobin dropped to an 8.0 and my ferritin was a 5. My hemtologist put me on low dose iron infusions that I received 36 days in a row. I felt the difference after about 3 days. I'm glad he did the low dose because I was in and out within 30 minutes. My levels stayed high throughout the year and my hemogolbin reached a 15. I'm going to see my doctor again soon because I may need a "booster" of iron because I cannot tolerate ANY oral iron and will likely be on infusions for life. My intial drop was also caused by plastic surgery, but heavy cycles added to the problem. After the infusions I had my second round of plastic surgery without any drop in my blood levels.
   — Pamela B.

February 24, 2005
Hi, I too have very low iron. My hemoglobin was 7 and they wanted to do a blood transfusion, but I opted for two iron infusions. I had my first one 2/2/05 and will have my second one 3/2/05. It wasn't bad at all. It took about 3 hrs for them to administer the iron through IV. I feel so much better now, but it will take a full 8 weeks to feel the entire effect of the iron. I understand it has to work deep into our bloodcells, muscles and organs. You will feel so much better. I'm anemic because of a huge fibroid tumor and will be having a hysterectomy in May. Have they discovered your cause of anemia? I have such heavy cyles and that has caused my anemia, and I'm sure I need to eat more protien and a more iron enriched diet. Good luck with your infusions. I had to have mine done at the Cancer Center, and I can tell you that I felt like my problem was so insignificant compared to others there. Hugs, Debbie
   — D. K.

February 24, 2005
I had two and they helped me a lot. It is virtually painless, just take something to read. Mine took about 4 hours, so you might be able to go in the afternoon and just take off half days. It is well worth it though. My levels came up very quickly.
   — cindy Q.

February 25, 2005
Kelley I too am SEVERELY anemic. My hemo level got down to 3 and my saturation level was less than 1. The hemotologist gave me my first iron infusion and I had a allergic reaction to the iron so they had to switch it. They are currently giving me the iron IV prep called Venopher and it has worked really well. I did "lose" all the veins in my arms due to having SO many infusions and now have a Mediport in my chest in order to receive my iron. I had a COMPLETE hysterectomy 5 weeks ago and at my pre surgery blood work my levels were good enough that my Dr said he could even send me to GIVE blood. DO NOT let your levels get as low as mine did. My dr said that it was a thousand wonders that I was even able to WALK into her office. Since the hysterectomy I have began feeling better each week and my husband says he is getting his wife back. I am feeling better and hope to be able to have the Mediport removed soon but my dr wants to wait about 6 mths to make sure that my levels do not drop again. Please feel free to email me with any specific questions that you might have because after all I have been through and all the research I have done, hopefully I can help you through this too! Know your not alone and are being prayed for! ~Ley~
   — Ley B.

February 28, 2005
I had 6 sucrose iron infusions and it brought my VERY low hemoglobin and ferritin up to NORMAL, not even low normal but mid normal. I feel great and recommend it!!! Best of luck!
   — ZZ S.

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