clear liquids, full liquids, pureed, soft, then regular diet

Can someone please give me a definition of each of the above and several examples? (Pre op April 10th 2000)    — Lori W. (posted on January 14, 2000)

January 14, 2000
clear liquids ex: broth, water, sugar free jello full liquids ex: low fat cream soups or strained soups pureed ex: use a blender set on pureed, mushy soft ex: mashed potatoes, pudding regular diet ex: real food chewed to the consistancy of apple sauce.
   — laurie H.

January 15, 2000
Liquid diet is going to include broth, unset jello, sugar-free juice, flat diet soda. Full liquids are things like Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Slim Fast, etc. Puree and Soft are basically the same thing and include anything you can put through a strainer like mashed potatoes, blended up soups, cottage cheese, cream of wheat. Your regular diet should be high protein and you should be eating 4-6 small meals a day.
   — dboat

January 15, 2000
The best person to ask is your doctor or dietician. The definitions to the diets will change depending on what hospital you are in and your surgeon. Where I work yogurt, cottage cheese, and hot cereals are considered full liquids. Pureed is anything that is put through a blender. Soft is anything that can be easily chewed into a mush which includes almost everything except for raw veggies. Regular means no restriction at all. Also 4 to 6 meals may not be what your doctor recommends. My doctor recommends 3 meals a day and maybe a snack if you really feel you need it. 6 meals a day is really close to grazing which is the one thing that will cause this surgery to fail! ~:o)
   — Lisa O.

January 17, 2000
Hi If you send me your email I would be glad to send you the list from UCLA and and explaination on each of the diets. Cheri [email protected]
   — Cheri H.

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