Do you really need to eat food if you take your protien faithfully?

I am not hungry. Will not eating slow my weight loss?I am 7 weeks post-op and have lost 40 pounds. 30 in the first month. Is this a pateaus?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 22, 2001)

February 21, 2001
The BTC Dietitian was at our last support group meeting. She said she would PREFER that people eat to get their protein rather than rely so heavily on drinking shakes or eating protein bars. #1 You don't get as full when you are drinking as opposed to eating. Therefore, you will not make as bad of choices if you eat and are full rather than drinking and then later eating too much. Her choice is food over protein supplements unless you can't meet your goal of protein. Hope this helps. Diane C.
   — Diane C.

February 21, 2001
OOPS !!!!!!! Forgot even to mention that food has better and more natural vitamins that sometimes aren't in the shakes...
   — Diane C.

February 22, 2001
Your metabolism will slow down if your body thinks it is starving, so cutting calories too drastically won't help you. You must have patience with your weight will lose weight for up to wo years and you're body will thank you if you lose it at a comfortable pace (it will probably let you keep your hair for one thing!). The first 6 weeks should be devoted to getting in enough nutrients to heal your body.
   — Kellie L.

February 22, 2001
40 pounds in 7 weeks is incredibly fast. I wouldn't call anything a plateau unless you haven't lost a pound for 2 or 3 weeks -- and even then, plateaus are normal. Your main question, "Do you really need to eat food if you take your protein faithfully?" deserves a real big 'YES.' I have heard, as I'm sure you have also, so many people say that they lost weight but they always regained it. Well, WLS is a 'tool' to help us lose the weight and NOT regain it. During the weight loss period, it is IMPORTANT that we learn how to eat properly, to get rid of the old bad habits, to develop an awareness of good nutrition, making healthy food choices, etc, etc. If you are relying on an 'unnatural' weight loss method (drinking protein) then you will have done nothing to help you learn to eat properly. My surgeon strongly urges us not to even use protein supplements unless we have some problem. He wants us to get our protein from regular foods. I have no problem doing this and I feel that I can finally 'control' myself. This surgery has made it easy for me to choose the good foods and avoid the bad ones (the ones I call bad may not be the same ones you call bad -- I mean, my 'red light' foods). Anyway, I know you may get answers to the contrary -- and they are going to be speaking in good conscience -- but I think the BEST answer is to eat and learn to do it right for a LIFETIME. I wish you the very best!
   — Cindy H.

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