I am 10 days out and seem to have a lump in my throat.

It doesn't stop food from going through but I can't seem to cough it out. I am not over eatting that I know of, but it's just bugging me. Also I seem to have reflux when I try to lay down at night (causing me to have to sit up for about an hour in the middle of the night to get comfortable). Are these things normal?    — Jane F. (posted on May 3, 2001)

May 3, 2001
I would get that lump checked out, lumps and growths just don't sound good to me. Try not to eat or drink right before bed and see if that helps with the reflux. good luck
   — Lisa B.

May 6, 2001
After having my GED scope of my stomach I had a lump in my throat that felt like it was "popping" every time I swallowed. The doctor checked it out and said he'd never had anyone complain of this before. I made him feel my throat while I swallowed & he said it was an irritation of the esophogus and that when swallowing, the windpipe has to "move over" and because of the tube & irritation, the esophogus was swollen, causing pressure on the windpipe giving the feeling of a lump by pushing the windpipe out and the pop is from the windpipe having to "snap" from the pressure. It all went away in about a week. Don't let everyone's personal stories keep you from having it checked by your doctor because everyone's bodies are different. I wish I could help you with your reflux issues, but I am still pre-op and don't know what effect my surgery will have on my GERD.
   — Laura B.

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