I had an appenctomy in 1973, a c-section in 1986 & hysterectomy in 1997..

I am awaiting my first consult with a DR. for wls. I have had the above surgeries and was wondering if they would not cause any problem in being a candidate for wls. I need to lose at least 100 lbs and my doctor says that usually after a hysterectomy the weight gain comes especially in women in their 30's. That is very true in my case as i have had tried diets but this weight has been on for 2 years..I am literally carry "2 people" around here....any advice will be appreciated    — Linda B. (posted on June 27, 2001)

June 27, 2001
I have had the same surgeries and a couple more in that same area and had my open RNY almost a year ago with no problems. The only difference is that the surgeon had to cut me farther down in order to take care of the adhesions from the old surgeries. Big deal. To me, what was one more scar. My friend called me "Road Map Kathy" as it was BEFORE my WLS! I have lost 105 pounds and have had no problems whatsoever. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Hope this helps.
   — livnliter

June 27, 2001
Linda, I had all those surgeries, plus a 2nd C-section and a "traditional" gall bladder surgery. I had a very successful and uneventful lap RNY 15 months ago. There were some adhesions in the area of my previous GB surgery, but those were easily removed at the time of my lap RNY. Your surgeries should not interfere with your ability to have WLS. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 27, 2001
Appendectomy 1984, c-section 1987, tubal ligation 1993, WLS 2000. No questions asked, no adhesions and no problems.
   — Allie B.

June 27, 2001
Please don't think I'm trying to rain on your parade. I just want you to be aware I did have several other types of surgeries and when I had the surgery 12 months ago my doctor had trouble doing my surgery because of the amount of scar tissue involved. I will need to have a revision this year because the surgery was not successful.In your case it may not affect anything at all.Just another view.
   — christine W.

June 27, 2001
Linda, all I have to say is that I have had surgery in 1995, breast off. Then 1997 Other breast off. 1999 Knee surgery and in 2000 other knee. 2001 WLS and I am looking forward to the last one when they cut off the excess fat after I lose the weight. I just put myself in God's hands.
   — Janet P.

July 2, 2001
I had four C-Sections (mid 80's to early 90's), two other surgeries to repair hernias in the C-Section scar/site and a hysterectomy at the same time. So - six previous abdominal surgeries. No problem at all with doing my OpenVBG on 6/11/01.
   — Cathy J.

July 2, 2001
Hi there. I had 3 C-sections (1985, 1990, 1991), appendectomy (mid-70's), tubal ligation (1991), and lap gallbladder (1991) {wow, 1991 was a rough year!). I had open RNY over 5 weeks ago. I did have alot of adhesions in my abdomen and have a 12 inch incision but my doctor was skilled and I am doing great! The only thing I would recommend is finding out how many abdominal adhesions your surgeon has dealt with. From a non-WLS friend of mine who is experiencing severe life threatening results of a surgeon who botched dealing with her adhesions, I now know how critical it is that the surgeon know what he's doing when he cuts around in there. My surgeon is a general surgeon who has been doing bariatric surgery for over a decade. He knew just how to handle the complications and I'll forever be grateful. Best wishes and God Bless!
   — Sharon_Cauthen

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