Surgey date is 8-8-01 and I've developed a nagging COUGH!! Help!

My surgery date is Aug 8 and I have a cough (no other symptoms) It is a non productive nagging cough.I've tried Robitussin (expectorant) and humidifier. Sometimes it totally spasms and I cough till I'm crying. I need any and all remidies QUICK! PLEASE e-mail me! [email protected]    — Wendy S. (posted on July 25, 2001)

July 25, 2001
This same thing happened to me and I went to the pharmacist and told him "look, I'm having surgery in 2 weeks and I've got to get rid of this cough" he suggested some cough medicine and I took it before I went to bed and was fine. You may need to try another medicine. Also, if you aren't coughing up phlegm you should be ok. My anesthesiologist said they wouldn't operate if I was coughing phlegm. Good luck and tell your body "THE COUGH STOPS HERE!"
   — Kimberly L.

July 26, 2001
The only thing that helps me is cough syrup with codine or tylonal with codine. As far as the SPASMS (I get them with bronchitus) there is a spray that you breath in through your month called ALBUTERAL (probally spelled wrong). "That is the only thing that will stop spasms" for me. Perhaps your doctor would prescribe ONE prescription for that. It should be easier to get a script for that than anything with codine. Good luck!
   — Danmark

July 29, 2001
I understand how you feel. My parents were sick and spent time with me right before surgery. I knew they infected me and was getting a cough. I didnt say anything even though I knew that I should have. After surgery, while in the hospital, I ended up getting all these extra anti-biotics pumped into me IV, I felt sick with a cold, plus the after surgery pain. I also think I was on oxygen longer than most people because of that. Now, one week post op I feel fine. In fact, I felt fine the second day in the hospital, but I know that my infection made me feel worse than I should haev. Will that be the case for you? I cant say. Alot of other factors come into play. I have never been sick in the hospital for anything, have only had a co-mord for a few weeks and am under 25. Maybe in a different body it would have played out differently.
   — Courtney W.

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