What results can I expect if I have, strong legs, flaby lower belly, rolly belly, and

I have a "mans" body. NO hips, strong legs, flabby lower get the idea. I have the typically unhealthy body type. Will any of this change after surgery?    — Elizabeth P. (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 27, 2001
Wish I could say yes, but your body type will remain essentially the same. My measurements pre-surgery were 67-61-65. Now, they're 52-43-51. Smaller, but just about the same proportions. Not much of a waist compared with my belly. I'm obviously still losing, so I might be whistling a different song in a year. Hard to say...
   — Terissa R.

December 27, 2001
NO! Your basic body shape will not change. If you have no hips, thin legs and a tummy bulge before wls, that's what you'll have after weight loss. BUT, after losing a lot of excess fat, you body will be leaner and after exersizing your muscles will be stronger, and your posture will improve. Your body will be stronger, leaner and in better balance. But, your basic body shape won't change. balanced.
   — [Anonymous]

December 28, 2001
My shape did change. Maybe I am weird. I was always really bottom-heavy with a smaller waist. Like 44-39-52. I could never find pants that fit both my waist and hips. Now I am at 36-29-37. I find that most things fit and I look much more proportional and healthy. I did exercise for the first 3-4 months. I don't know if that helped with the proportions or not but it surely didn't hurt.
   — ctyst

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