Has anyone had facial hair and lost it after Open RNY/

Since I was 22 and female and getting heavier by the week, I began growing some facial hair in the chin area. It is still there, but occassionally, I do have it removed. I also, due to strong genetics, have hairy arms. Not that it is that important, but I'm looking for any possible small good side effects to this surgery besides, dumping, headaches....I realize that I will be healthier and that IS the most important effect, but humor me and give me something else to expect. Thanks    — Elizabeth P. (posted on December 30, 2001)

December 30, 2001
Often over-weight women have a hormone imbalance, Poli-Cysitc Ovarian Syndrome. There is usually an excess of testosterone, as well as some insulin imbalaces. The side effects include facial hair, skin tags, irregular mentral cycles... Reguardless, once the hair is there, it won't go away. For PCOSers, the weightloss will rebalance the hormones, and get rid of excess testosterone, and so NEW hair won't appear, but that leaves us stuck with what's already there. :( Bummer, I know.
   — Angela B.

December 30, 2001
You can have it lasered off. It is expensive but well worth it. This is permanent although you usually need around 5 or so treatments since hair grows in shifts. Also this option doesn't work on some skin tones and hair types. Type Laser Hair Removal on any search engine and check it out. Good luck!!
   — [Anonymous]

December 30, 2001
I respectfully disagree with Angela. Pre op, I had so many hairs on my chin, upper lip and cheeks, I should have started shaving! Not long after my surgery and weight loss, my skin tags as well as the abnormal facial hair growth disappeared. I know that each person is different, and our bodies react differently to our weight and the weight loss. I suffered for years with PCOS, and am glad to see that my weight loss has taken care of the hair growth and skin tags as well as my irregular periods.
   — Cindy K.

December 30, 2001
I have PCOS, I have skin tags, I have so much hair on my face I feel like a werewolf. I don't think it will ever go away unless I have laser surgery. But I would like to have it. Infact, since my WLS it seems my moustache has gotten darker and I've had to remove it with that cream remover more often. A woman at work brought me a brochure from her dermatologists office on a cream called "Vaniqa". The brochure says that although you won't loose the hair you already have, if you use this cream you can keep it from growing back after it's removed. This is prescription only. Wouldn't it be nice if we could loose the unwanted facial hair like we do the hair on our heads. My face would be baby bottom smooth if that were the case. As for other positive reasons for having the surgery - you will feel better. You will feel good when you don't have to lay on the bed and hold your breath to get your pants zipped. You'll beable to tie your shoes without getting reflux,You will smile more and laugh more, you will just be in a better mood and feel better and it's all worth it. All the things that will happen after the surgery (pain, hair loss, etc..) will not even matter to you because it is all worth it.
   — K T.

December 30, 2001
Thanks to all who responded. I appreciate your opinions and research. I kind of thought that it wouldn't change, but it would definitley have been a perk. I'm sure it won't matter, i've had this long and still have friends, so it shouldn't make a difference later.
   — Elizabeth P.

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