Post-op Dizziness and near-fainting

I'm almost 4 months post-op. I've lost 104 lbs--down from 361. The past few weeks I've found that when I get up out of a chair, or stand back up after kneeling I get sort of starry eyed, dizzy and I'm not quite sure if I'm going to faint. So far I haven't fainted; but I fear that there's a more serious problem here. Any suggestions or ideas?    — Kristin R. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
It sounds just like a problem I was having at about three weeks post-op. Come to find out, my blood pressure was getting way too low. I am on meds for it, and the doctors cut my meds in half to deal with the problem. I am feeling much better since the dosage adjustment. Have yours checked, it may be the culprit. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kerry P.

January 10, 2002
I also had this as well as extreme weakness. Took my BP and it was very low. Needed to cut back BP meds. Felt great almost immediately
   — faybay

January 10, 2002
Once I found my BP 85 over 58. That got me off my BP med, the last prescription drug I was on. It was worse late in the day because our lowest pressure is driven by the circidian rythym. Problem was worst about 3 to 4 pm but showed up other times too. Can be related to dehydration which decreases blood volume. 5 nmonths post op I still experience it now and then but mldly. check with your doc, but dont worry.
   — bob-haller

January 10, 2002
Kristin, I'm 9 months post op and at around 3-4 months I too was very dizzy all the the time... I still am!!!!!! I thought it was because of the amount of food I was eating, or water or something, the doctors say they don't know what it is. They figure that your body is just going through such a change. This only used to happen when I was at home, but these days I get dizzy anywhere. This scares me though!! One morning I went into the kitchen to grab some coffee, well the next thing I know I'm lying on my kitchen floor. I had fainted, for the first time in my life. Well let's just say that scared the s*** out of me... I wonder if this is ever going to go away... I do however pay closer attention to standing up. I will get up slowly these days. My advice to you would be, talk to your doctor, he or she will probably send you to your pcp for bloodwork. They found nothing negative in my results. Take care of yourself, and make sure to keep hydrated. Email me if you'd like to chat.
   — Kristina P.

January 11, 2002
At three months post op I started experiencing the same symptoms. Turned out I was pregnant even though my husband and I faithfully used condoms. If it's even remotely possible, you may want to do a test to rule it out. Best of luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

January 11, 2002
I am still pre-op, but experience this ALL the time. I have extremely low blood pressure. This was worse when I was pregnant. It may be because after losing all that weight, your BP dropped. (that probably is a good thing though). It may take a while for your body to adjust. I recommend carrying smelling salt with you. And make sure you talk to your PCP. I am also anemic which causes it as well. Good luck.
   — emilyfink

January 11, 2002
I also get dizzy and lightheaded. I am interested in knowing what might be causing this since my surgeon isn't sure why either.
   — cheryl F.

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