I am 5 weeks post open RNY, when can I start doing stomach exercises?

   — Kathy P. (posted on January 11, 2002)

January 10, 2002
I'd like an answer to that too...When I went for my two month check, he said work on legs, bottom upper arms and chest...but still no abs. I won't be seeing him again until JUNE! What do we do, tighten up everything except tummy? Hope you get some answers.
   — [Anonymous]

January 11, 2002
I am 4 months post op and my doc told me at 2 months it would be ok to do ab excercises. It gives the muscles time to heal and get back into place after surgery. Any earlier and you may cause yourself to get a hernia or if your incision isn't all the way healed it could cause problems there too.
   — [Anonymous]

January 11, 2002
I started working with the Ab Roller equipment at 8 weeks. I was told 6 weeks was okay but I didn't feel comfortable with it until 8. Even now, 11 weeks out, I'm still careful and listen to my body. If your body aches some days let it rest for now. You can push on a few more months from now when we know you're good and healed. I also should mention that I had a lap RNY.
   — vbenedict0208

January 11, 2002
I was told after six weeks that I could resume a weight program, and I have. I do Abslide every day along with weight training and cardio at the gym three times a week, and swimming twice a week. No problems at all so far, if anything I feel better, but this obviously varies with surgeons, so pick up a phone and give yours a call! It is so important that you follow your surgeon's instructions. Good Luck!
   — Deborah W.

January 11, 2002
Iwas told to wait 6 months before starting stomach exercises. I started at 5 1/2 months. I have been working out since the beginning though. I didn't lift weights until 6 weeks post op. I still can only lift 10 lbs but that is fine by me I am doing it for toning not to increase muscle mass. Good luck. Email me if you want to chat [email protected]
   — Jennifer L.

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