any las vegans receive an email about a support group?

i received an email about a new support group on jan 21 at 6pm. the email didnt say where it was going to be so i called the 800# in the email. the girl who had the info was supposed to call me back but never did. do any of u have the info as to the location of the meeting? i really want to go as i understand a dr from this particular medical group will be attending the meeting.    — sheryl titone (posted on January 12, 2002)

January 11, 2002
i recieved the same email but havent called the toll free number as of yet...
   — Deanna Wise

January 12, 2002
I don't live in Las Vegas so I didn't receive that particular e-mail. I am a very suspicious person by nature. You didn't mention exactly what the e-mail said. However, if it were a true support group, it seems that the location would have been highly visible. The fact that you had to call an 800 number for information is also questionable. It sounds like it was submitted by a surgical group? Maybe this meeting is for solicitation of business, not for true support? I could be extremely way off base here. Maybe since you are post-op (congrats by the way!!), that is why you haven't heard back? Just a bunch of random and suspicious thoughts here...Shelley
   — Shelley.

January 12, 2002
shelly u & i r great thinkers...because i had the same thoughts.
   — sheryl titone

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