I have two medications I need to take with meals.

About 10 minutes after taking my medication my lunch decided it did not want to stay down. I know my medication came up with it because I could taste it. Sorry for being so graphic. My question is...should I retake my medication?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 15, 2002
Depends on the kind of medication....we cannot possibly answer that. I would suggest calling your pharmacist. THey are very underused, and VERY knowledgable. If you use mailorder, just go to CVS and tell him/her your situation.
   — M. A. B.

January 15, 2002
My doctor has always told me if the medicine stays in your system for one hour, then you are OK, if not, then you need to retake it.
   — Lori M.

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