Can I open a capsule up and empty the contents into applesauce?

My doctor has me on Axid to control my stomach acids. Since surgery I have been have problems taking certain pills. They seem to get stuck. It takes forever for them to go down. Can I open the capsule and put it in some applesauce instead of swallowing the pills? Also, do I have to be on these pills forever? Thanks!!!    — tracyr (posted on January 19, 2002)

January 19, 2002
Hi Tracy... I am pre-op but have been on these drugs forever it seems for acid reflux. Some are time release so putting them in applesauce may be a problem so talk with your Doc. You might ask him also about Nexium which is newer and much smaller. Its my understanding from what my Doc said that I may not have to take this forever but then I've talked to some on here who are long term. Acid problems go hand in hand with obesity which won't be there when the weight is gone. So I suspect it depends on your type of surgery and personal situation. Best of luck to you. Andrea
   — AJC750

January 19, 2002
I would recommend calling your pharmacist. They are a wealth of assistance with medicine questions like this. I am a visiting nurse and I have the number to my pharmacist memorized. I will often call him and ask him medication questions. He is always gracious and polite and more than willing to help--even though I am not asking this question for myself. Many medicines can be opened and mixed without problems. However, there are some that can't. Call your pharmacist and ask. Shelley
   — Shelley.

January 19, 2002
tracy i take prevacid for my gerd. its a capsule but its on the small side & i have no problem swallowing it or it getting stuck. nexium is a very good suggestion too. its a new drug made by the makers of prilosec. i agree with all the others...dont open up & take any meds until u speak with the pharmacist.
   — sheryl titone

January 19, 2002
My doctor has specifically told me that i will be on Previcid until 6 weeks after surgery in which i must open the capsules and poor contents into applesauce, yogurt etc.

January 19, 2002
Like everyone else said.. CHECK with your doctor AND pharmacist. Most capsule are time released and you could actually get too much of the medication at one time if it is taken the way your described. I know this information as I was married to and worked with a pharmasict. The pharmacist would know for sure if the medication will hard you and be able to give you the name of another medication you can tell your doctor about that can be taken in applesauce. I am 9 weeks postop and taking all my pills whole...except the calcium of course....
   — Pamela W.

March 15, 2004
I was told to take the pills I have in capsules (prozac, neurontin) and empty them into applesauce. I found the prozac to be awful, so I tried putting the capsule in jello for about 1/2 an hour and the outside pretty much dissolves, so then I just swallow the spoonful of jello. I still sometimes get the awful taste, but it does seem to work for me.
   — Kenda W.

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