Has anyone had a stress Cardiolite test? And/or a GI clearance?

I am scheduled to have a cardiolite stress test done AND a GI clearance before my sugery.. I had an abnormal EKG. But doc said, there is only a slim chance that there is a problem. He said, it could be a misplaced sensor...etc. Have to get the GI clearance because of chronic diarrhea. Doc also said that could be because of my gallbladder having been removed. *fingers crossed* hope everything works out.. Has anyone had either/both of these procedures done? If so, what can I expect?? Thanks so much! K. Peters    — K. P. (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 20, 2002
i have had the cardiolite stress test because i also had an abnormal ekg. first thing to know is...ekg's r not accurate 100% of the time. second thing to know is...if u r female the ekg is even less accurate. these r facts given to me by 2 different cardiologists. cardiologists r not sure why being female produces more inaccurate ekg's then being a male does. fyi...females have different cardiac symptoms than males do too. i have also had the gi series done so many times, they r too numerous to mention. piece of cake. u swallow some disgusting barium & an effervesive (gas producing) product & then xrays r taken of ur gi tract. good luck to u.
   — sheryl titone

March 21, 2002
Hi there I had a stress test on Tuesday and I was a little scared but it wasnt that bad. When I got there they started an div and gave me a dose of this low level radioactive stuff to make my heart glow and I had to wait 15 min then they put me in this machine that took pictures of my heart and then they hook you up to heart maoitors and the let you sit and monitor you awhile then I had to get on a treadmill and walk to get my heart rate up (took me all of 5 min to do that) now as I walked the treadmill got faster every 3 min. and began to go up in the front to simulate a hill ( boy I really loved that part, yeah right ) then when you are about to fall out they give you another injection in your iv and make you walk one more minute to circulate the injection then they put back on the machine to take more pictures of your heart and that's it. Sounds hard but it wasnt. The appointment lasted about 2.5 hours because they do let you rest between and take your blood pressure lots of time. I had to get my heart tate up to 170 for a good reading, and believe me I was ready to get off that thing that last minute was they longest min. in history. If I were you I wouldnt worry I am sure you will do just fine. God bless Brie
   — Subrina D.

March 21, 2003
Well I had it done as well both procedures and the saw something that they thought was a blockage and well it was not it ended up being fat tissue from my breast the cardio doctor said that that happens alot but the have to do a heart cath to see up close and be sure before you can be approved for the surgery I had my cath done Feb 12 2003 and they found nothing and my surgery is scheduled for 3/31/03 so if they do come back and say that they think that saw a possible blockage dont flip out like i did it could be nothing more than fatty tissue GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Kimberly M.

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