Has anyone else been

I went in for a LAP at 8:00 am and was admitted to ICU at 5:15pm. The doctor found problems witn my digest system and corrected it, then ran out of time, and went OPEN because he thought I was under too long. Basically I have 4 cuts LAP via and a 4" incision from OPEN. I have had 3 c-sections before and know what it takes to recover. I am in bad pain this time. I haven't been able to sleep for 3 days (I'm not kidding). I'm literally afraid of sleeping because of the pain it brings me. I would rather walk around than sleep anyday. Has anyone experienced this? How were you affected by anastesia? Did you go through any addtional symtoms that maybe others don't discuss? Thanks in advance..    — Lisa R. (posted on June 2, 2002)

June 2, 2002
I also ended up having to have both lap and open. There was a problem moving my liver out of the way during lap, so they quit and did the open. I have 3 lap incisions scars and an 8" open incisional scar and was in a lot of pain for the first 2-3 weeks. I couldn't sleep in bed until the 4th week. I mainly slept on my recliner for a few hours here and there, and the pain seemed to be worse at night. But, it did get better and better as time went on, especially after the first 2 weeks. I would recommend using any pain medication your doctor prescribed at night to help you get in some sleep. Try to nap as much as you can. Hang in there, it does get better! I'm 8 1/2 months rny, down 152 lbs and it was all very much worth it. Good luck!
   — Kathy P.

June 2, 2002
I too went in for lap and came out both lap and open. My surgeon encountered scar tissue adhesions from a previous c-section surgery which needed to be corrected before she could do the rest of the procedure. Hey, I know what you mean about not sleeping. It's only in the last week that I've been able to sleep through the night. I'm sorry you are experiencing so much pain. I know how awful it is. But already I am feeling so much better. I went through a really tough period, lived in my recliner chair mostly. Now I am able to sleep on my sides. 30 days post op, weight loss of over 35 pounds!
   — Jennifer A.

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