and then weight loss started back up again?

Has anyone had a 6-8 month plateau then started loosing again?    — Shelley P. (posted on August 24, 2002)

August 25, 2002
My weight loss had pretty much stopped with me about 10 to 15 pounds over my goal weight. I was quite satisfied with my weight at that level & was able to maintain it with no effort at all. Then, at 2 years post, I had a tummy tuck & my weight loss did pick up again after that. I lost an additional 15+ pounds & actually am still losing a bit. I don't know just what has caused this, but I have become a little more active and losing weight again has, to some degree, made me WANT to lose a little more. This doesn't necessarily I'm making better food choices; I think I was probably eating better nutritionally 15 pounds ago. As of today, I am actually 5 pounds under my goal weight so I have lost about 20-25 pounds in the last 4 months since my TT.
   — Kathy W.

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