I might have a marginal ulcer. What is it? How did I get it?

I was not able to eat chewed up chicken or eggs...It was very painful. My surgeon said I might have a marginal ulcer. I thought we didn't produce stomach acids anymore? He said there is new research that disputes that and more surgeons now are recommending, Zantac, op. So what exactly is this thing?    — Elizabeth P. (posted on September 30, 2002)

January 6, 2003
Elizabeth, I'm sorry you are part of the unfortunate few to have marginal ulcers. I developed one 3 weeks ago and was rushed to the hospital, it burned a hole in my new stomach and fluid and gas was leaking into my system. My surgeon doesn't know what it is from, however, which scares me, I don;t want to get another one!! He said there is a 1/3 of 1% chance it is from my surgery (LAP RNY I had 7 months ago) He said it also could be from all the medication I took for my chronic illness. I wish I could help you and tell you what it's from, but you're not alone. I was put on Prevacid, he said it coats the stomach. I never felt any symptoms from the ulcer before or after, except I had excruciating pain one day and that's why I was rushed in an ambuluance to the ER. Many ulcers can be treated with medicine and don't need surgery as mine did. So I don't think ulcers always have to develop just from stomach acid, could be other things. I wish you well and hope you feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

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