

December 27, 2002
Sure you will- however- like everything with no nutritional value you will see how it is not *AS* important to you as it was prior to surgery. Some things, as you get further out, do not hold such importance, nor do they taste the same or satisfy the same. I don't believe saying you can NEVER have something again is good for anyone. Denying yourself a simple pleasure now and again is not wrong. However it is why they stress for you to be very good in the beginning, so you learn new eating habits for the long haul. For instance a sip of soda will satisfy me whereas prior to surgery I could not imagine not ever guzzling down a 32 oz. again. As for dumping, for me, I get major gastro-intestinal distress. I feel my intestine's contents moving very rapidly. I must head to the bathroom to relieve myself, all the while I am feeling like I have the flu, am fatigued and I will sweat at the same time. Usually this passes once I am finished with my business. But some people must lay down for a while. It's not pretty, but I have had this happen to me my whole life- so I am used to it. Having it after surgery was nothing new to me.
   — Karen R.

December 27, 2002
Ahh everyone can eat a bit of sugary stuff. Many like me dont dump. The most I will get is a icky feeling if I eat too much. Early on one oreo was fine, 2 not so hot. Now I can eat more.
   — bob-haller

December 27, 2002
I have to admit that I wondered the same thing early on. It's only been a little over 2 months for me since my surgery but there have been several times that I've had a little bite of cake or candy. For the most part I do fine but there are times when I know I've overdone it. Last Saturday I tried to drink a small container of orange juice from Hardee's....within 30 minutes I felt terrible. I got very sleepy and felt like I was coming down with the flu. After about 30 minutes it passed but it was not a pleasant sensation at all. This week I stayed with my daughter who just had a baby and while I was there I tried a small piece of red velvet cake. I just needed a taste and it didn't hurt me physically at all. As far as dumping - I guess I've been lucky compared to some people. I will get chills and major intestinal discomfort with diahrrea but it passes quicky and I don't normally have to go to bed or go home from work. I've heard that things change and that what may not bother me today may give me trouble next month. We'll see. Right now I'm enjoying the weight loss. Food is not the most important thing in my life anymore. Saturday night I went to get some tea out of my fridge and I realized that I had not eaten all day and I was still not hungry - wow!!! I was amazed!! I am still pretty picky about what I eat. I have not tried steak yet and probably won't for a couple more months. Chicken gives me that "stuck" feeling unless it is very tender and even then I must eat it slowly and chew it until it has no taste at all. Don't think badly of me but I usually end up spitting it out after the taste is gone. Not sure if that's good or not but it sure beats having to go to the bathroom later to get it unstuck....if you don't know what I mean - you will eventually. God Bless You. Debbie By the way - in a little over 2 months I'm down 54 pounds and it feels GREAT!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 27, 2002
Karen....I've never had more sugar than I should, so I haven't dumped and don't know what it would really feel like. I stay away from white refined sugar and use fructose or turbinado sugar, which are phenomenal! Especially the turbinado sugar. Check out my profile page or for a recipe book for RNY patients that has unbelievable recipes in them that are 2g of refined sugar or less.
   — Lynette B.

December 28, 2002
I try to avoid refined sugar. I have dumped several times on foods that had natural sugar and maybe some refined that I wasn't aware of (in restaurant foods). I am thrilled that I dump because it keeps me honest. And I don't eat a lot of "sugar-free" sweets either because they are just as high in calories as the ones sweetened with sugar. Those foods are not for weight loss but for diabetic patients. I will allow myself treats occasionally when I am at goal and have stabalized. In fact, I do now, occasionally, have a no sugar added ice cream bar but only about once every three months. Dumping can be anything from suddenly feeling very warm, to being flushed, having cold sweats, nausea and severe diahrrea. It normally lasts about 30 minutes to an hour and is very unpleasant. It isn't dangerous but it will make a believer out of you. I understand that you don't dump as easily later on as you do early out, but I haven't tested it. I am sitting here at my computer with the bag with my son's candy from his Christmas stocking right beside me and I am not even tempted to test those waters. Just stay away from high fat foods and sweets and you will have tremendous successes - not only will you not dump, but you will lose weight. Open RNY 11/29/01 -160 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

December 29, 2002
I am a little over 3 months out. I can eat pretty much any type of sugar. (Not that, that's a good thing). I wish I dumped more because I have been very tempted by chocolate this holiday season. When I dump, I have a slight reaction. I can't really explain it well, but it's kind of like a real icky feeling and I burp over and over. Sometimes I get dizzy and then I get really sleepy. I have to lay down and go to sleep for about 30 minutes. I try not to deprive myself of some sweets. For the most part I have done very well. But I really wish I had a more adverse reaction to eating sweets.
   — alexis G.

December 30, 2002
Dumping is AWFUL!!! Dumping for me is like this...My heart starts pounding, I get the chills, start sweating, get the shakes, get dizzy and then I end up sick to my stomach. This can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. I dump easily on anything that has more than 7 grams of sugar) or sugar alcohol per serving. But you know what, I wouldn't change a thing. It keeps me honest and sometimes it helps keep me in check. With all of the sweets around the holidays it would have been difficult to resist if I wasn't so paranoid about dumping!
   — pam29922

December 30, 2002
This issue is one of the major reasons why I chose to have a duodenal switch WLS and keep my stomach functioning normally with a pyloric valve. "Dumping" because I want to eat a piece of birthday cake or pie or whatever seems barbaric and a continuation of "diet mentality" to me. I eaat "healthy" 99.8% of the time and am sustaining my weight loss (and am still losing 2-5 pounds per month). I am responding to your post in an attempt to help those who are still deciding know that 'dumping' isn't a necessary component of WLS, just a side effect of the RNY procedure. Good Luck to you and best wishes for a continued healthy recovery...
   — merri B.

December 30, 2002
Dumping is unpleasant. BUT if you dump easily early on it helps you reset your palate. I find that things made with less sugar taste just fine to me now and full sugar things usually taste unbearably sweet. Not that I don't eat chocolate now and then but I eat a whole lot less than I did before! And am just as satisfied. When you are early post op it does seem like you will never eat normally again, but you will once your new system matures. I think that the RNY does teach you to eat the way we ALL should if you let it. Plenty of lean protein, veggies, fruits, a little bread/pasta/potatoes/rice and moderate amounts of sweets. What's wrong with that? It's all about moderation--even the sugar part. If you want, look at my profile. I have listed what I ate at 4, 9, and 18 months postop. You can see that I eat normal foods--even eat out.
   — ctyst

December 31, 2002
The best advice I can give you is to read labels. When you are a new post-op, very small amounts of sugar will cause you to dump. With me, I get a rapid heartbeat, feel nauseous and weak, and sometimes I will throw up a little bit. I have been known to eat a little sugar from time to time, but feel so much better when I don't. With sugar, some times you are the wind-shield, sometimes you are the bug. Good Luck!
   — Cara F.

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