Anyone been treated with radiation prior to WLS? Complications? What type? How long

   — Pat B. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 21, 2003
Not before. But about five 1/2 months after WLS, I was treated with radioactive iodine for thyroid cancer. That requires that you swallow the radioactive iodine, and that you absorb it so it kills off the thyroid cancer cells (which are the only ones in the body to absorb iodine). So they did some testing to indicate generally whether I malabsorbed the iodine (I didn't, it was fine), and gave the radiation to me in liquid form instead of via capsule to cut down any chance of it getting stuck too long in the pouch. No nausea, no problems.
   — Suzy C.

January 21, 2003
My husband had colon cancer 5 years before WLS, he was treated with chemo and radiation, he also has a colostomy. He has had no complications. The surgery (open RNY) took a bit longer but he is now 15 months post op.
   — Lisa P.

January 23, 2003
Two years prior to WLS I had 6 weeks of radiation on my abdomen and pelvic regions. I also had a radium implant. I had no problems at all!
   — Donna B.

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