How do i crush my pills? and how do i take them after they have been crushed.

   — ravpotter (posted on August 28, 2003)

August 28, 2003
I got an inexpensive pill crusher at Walgreen's. What disguised the taste best for me with to mix it with nonfat light yogurt. I was only allowed 2 oz at a time and it was just sweet enough to cover the medicine's taste.
   — LLinderman

August 28, 2003
I've never had to crush pills and I started taking capsules 8 days post-op.
   — Patty_Butler

August 28, 2003
Most pharmacys will have a supply of different types of crushers, pill boxes and other storage equipment for your pills. I need to crush my meds until six months post, plus I have been doing it since 4 months pre op so I am used to doing it. I have found that some pills really do not have much of a taste and they can be swallowed with a couple sips of water. I just recently had to crush about a 1/2 inch long pill for a UTI and there really was not much taste to it even though there was a lot of it. I was warned by the manufacturer of Tylenol that extra strength Tylenol would be bitter tasting when I crushed it and I was even plesantly surprised that it was not bitter at all. That was good because their liquid extra strength is expensive to buy. I have only experienced one of my meds in non-whole form that being an open capsule of my Prevacid that I could not handle swallowing without the capsule part, it was so bitter! Fortunately, since my open RNY I no longer have GERD and do not have to take it anymore.
   — ChristineB

August 28, 2003
I bought a mortar & pestel (spelling?) in a kitchen store . . . it crushes the pills into a fine powder, then I mix mine with a tsp of applesauce. Yeah, its bitter, but the flip side is, I'm getting everything down in one swallow, vs cutting the pills up in pieces and taking forever to get them down. And I found an adult chewable vitamin at The Vitamin Shoppe, so after I take my meds, I pop a chewable in my mouth (which is kind of sweet) and that takes care of that!
   — lorien

August 28, 2003
Hi Rochelle, as others have said you can buy various pill crushers at just about any pharmacy (including Wal-Mart, the grocery store or Walgreen's). In the hospital, we gave crushed meds mixed with a small amount of applesauce or pudding. Some meds should NOT be crushed, or taken out of capsules as they are "Extended Release" and are meant to be released slowly into your system... so be sure to talk to a Pharmacist and make sure that all your meds are "crushable".

August 29, 2003
My mom has always crushed pills easily without a pill crusher. Just place the pill between 2 spoons (cradle the spoons), push down on the top spoon and viola! a crushed pill ready for a dollup of applesauce.
   — M B.

August 29, 2003
I crush my pills between 2 spoons. Depending on the size of the pill the bottom spoon is either a tablespoon or teaspoon. Then I use 100% grape juice to fill the spoon and swallow the meds. The juice is so strong I don't taste the meds at all. The amount of juice is so small that it has no ill effects. Good Luck!
   — LuckyMommy22

August 29, 2003
I crush my pills by putting the flat of a kitchen knife on them and pressing down one time. Pill is on a breadboard underneath. At work I use my letter opener.
   — Margaret G.

August 29, 2003
Most all drug stores/pharmacies carry pill cutters and pill crushers. Very easy to use too. Crushed pills can be added to unsweetened applesauce, some fat free cool whip, or even to a protein shake if you know you will drink it all. Just remember do not crush any timed release pill (such as for blood pressure) and check with your pharmacist if in doubt about whether or not a drug can be crushed without problems.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 30, 2003
Put your pill/pills into a small heavy ziplock bag, then put the bag in between the door jam, (the hinge side) then slam the door on it. Works like a charm!
   — Wendy G.

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