Does anyone know if taking herbs after a roux-en-y is ok.

I would like to take some kind of herb to calm my anxiety but I'm not sure if it will hurt me. Also, has anyone noticed that after surgery they don't need to take as much medicine as they did before surgery? For example I can take a half a ibuprofen and it will give me the same affect as if I took the whole pill.    — Tami R. (posted on September 10, 2003)

September 10, 2003
Why not ask your doctor to prescribe something mild? Herbal preparations are not standardized and not approved by the FDA, so you never really know the strength or purity of what you are taking, and the efficacy has not been proven conclusively in controlled studies. For example, one company's preparation of 20 mg my contain 100% of the herb, but 20mg of another company's product may only contain 40%. Since my body weight is less, it now takes less medication to do the job. (In hospital settings and for kids, medications are many times prescribed based on body weight).
   — koogy

September 10, 2003
I definitely wouldn't take anything without an o.k. from your surgeon. I've just had my snythroid reduced by 50% because my weight loss has made a smaller dose more effective. Also, most surgeons recommend only tylenol products after surgery. You might want to check with your surgeon regarding the use of ibuprofen. My surgeon prohibits it. Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

September 10, 2003
I am almost a year out and have been taking black cohosh for anxiety associated with menopause since day one. I haven't had any problems.
   — joeandteri

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