Ladies, what type of protection is the best to use once menstrual period starts?

I've heard that you should use tampons after your period starts after surgery. But it is kind of hard to use them now because of my big stomach. I just want to know how do you put them in and take them out right after surgery if your period starts. Please help me out.    — jimnetta N. (posted on October 29, 2003)

October 29, 2003
I have never heard this and really don't think it matters what kind of protection you use. I personally prefer tampons and have never had a problem using them, even after surgery. I think it's a matter of preferrence.
   — Happy I.

October 29, 2003
Tampons will most likely get in the way of catheter insertion. I don't believe they will let you use a tampon while you're still in the hospital (unless the catheter has been removed). After you're home, it's definitely a matter of preference. I use tampons & always have. In the hospital, I was expecting my period. I told the nurse & she gave me a hospital sanitary napkin. They're awful so I'd recommend you take your own. Most likely, you won't be able to wear it during surgery anyway...don't fret it. Take what you normally wear with you & once you're back in your room & the catheter has been removed, the nurse will help you get a sanitary pad into your panties. Nurses are awesome! I never felt neglected. Best of luck sweetie!!
   — Amy A.

October 29, 2003
My period started the day of surgery! I hated it. I couldn't walk more than a few steps and bending was difficult. Take good sanitary pads to the hospital with you. I didn't and had to use theirs and theirs bunch up. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Danna S.

October 29, 2003
Hi J., No, I don't think that it's true that you have to use tampons. In fact, I've heard just the opposite. And after all 3 abdominal surgeries my period has started - like clockwork! So, yes - go prepared, but were I you, I'd take pads, instead of tampons! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

October 29, 2003
Here is a thread about periods and surgery that may give you some info.
   — Debbie P.

October 29, 2003
My only input would be, if you are going to use pads, get Always overnight ultra-thins. They are comfortable and they can handle heavy flow for hours at a time, which would be important if you are not up and around frequently.
   — Kim A.

October 29, 2003
I've never used tampons. I've always used pads. My doctor NEVER said anything about using tampons, so I would say it's not true.
   — Patty H.

October 29, 2003
I have never used and will never use a tampon. I used super overnight pads with wings (good coverage). You will have a drain tube so what I did was cut my underwear in the front which helped greatly. Just toss them when you get out of the hospital. Buy some wipes also.
   — Linda R.

October 29, 2003
No need to worry about tampons, pads work well. I didn't start my period until the 3rd day after surgery. Use whatever you fell comfortable with and you will do fine.
   — Cynthia D.

October 30, 2003
I think while in the hostpial using a tampon would be a bad idea. Simply because you'll be very sore and might not be able to reach to remove or in case something goes wrong, you don't want some poor nurse to have to fish it out. My period is due the day after my surgery...I plan to use my Always overnights while in the hospital.
   — Renee B.

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