I stopped Smoking

I Stopped Smoking for my surgery, but now I always have thick mucus in my throat that I have to spit out and in the mornings I have a thick dark mucus that I have to make myself spit out. I am afraid that this may lead to pneumonia after my surgery. I never had this problem before I stopped smoking. Can anyone identify with this problem? I welcome any and all comments. By the way I am schedule to have surgery on 11/17/03. Please keep me in your prayers.    — jimnetta N. (posted on November 5, 2003)

November 5, 2003
I quit smoking before my surgery and went through a smoking cessation course. Your body is ridding itself of all the nasty toxins. Your cough in the morning is getting rid of all the tar and crap that cigs provide. I know, it is glamorous! If you are nervous, talk to your doc about it. If it changes color or you notice blood, difficulty breathing shortness of breath.... I hacked up sputum too and it was thick and icky.... Guess what, I don't anymore! It is fabulous
   — dimpkd

November 5, 2003
   — stacy A.

November 5, 2003
I quit smoking also for this surgery after 30 years!!!!!!!! My best advise to you is to drink lots and lots of water. This will help to rid your body of all of the junk that needs to come out. It took me about 3 to 4 weeks to finally be able to get up in the morning without hacking. GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — CAMFR

November 5, 2003
That is the gunk that has built up on your lung walls from smoking. It is the tar from the cigaretts. Drink pleanty of water to help get it up. Getting this gunk out of you lungs will help prevent getting pneumonia.I quit smoking on 10/28/02 and had my surgery on 4/16/03. Hard, so very hard but well worth it. You will be in my prayers.
   — Shu L.

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