Anyone else had these complications?

My poor mom had her surgery on Dec. 10th, 2003. Since then her complications have grown increasingly severe and painful. She developed a fistula right after surgery. This means, basically that food is going into her new stomach, through a hole joining her new stomach with her old, and then right out into her old stomach. Thus, the surgery is basically not working at all. The surgeon thought the fistula might heal, but it doesn't seem to be doing so. She's devastated. On top of the fistula, her wounds still have not healed. Her surgery was a revision and was done open. She's diabetic and her wounds are thus not healing well. She's had several infections, two seromas which are draining in copious quantities, and just yesterday had her entire incision reopened and "cored" so that old infected tissue could be removed. She feels just as badly now, two months later as she did the first day. She's suffering terrible pain for no gain...or, rather loss. I feel so badly for her and wish I could give her even the slightest bit of hope. But the odds of a successful recovery are looking worse and worse. The surgeon is even considering trying an experimental procedure on her to close her fistula. I guess there's not so much of a question here, just hoping for some hopeful news...Thanks...XOXO Jen    — jenpatalano (posted on February 17, 2004)

February 17, 2004
Jen, I'm so sorry your mom is going through such awful complications, I pray that things will turn around for her so all this can be behind her and she can go forward with better health. hang in there and take care**Hugs**
   — Naes Wls J.

February 17, 2004
Hi Jen. My thoughts and prayers go out to your mom and your whole family. I can't imagine the stress you are all feeling! I don't know anything about a fistula as I did not have any complications like that. I did have a large seroma, and also had my wound opened up. As annoying as that was it did heal fairly quickly (about 2 weeks), so I will wish the same speedy progress for your mom. If you need to chat or if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to email me. Jennifer
   — Jennifer K.

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