What is the quickest way to lose the most weight after a RNY surgery?

I am scheduled to have the RNY, and I know that I am supposed to eat to lose the most weight during the first 6 months after surgery? What has worked for you guys?    — Lakeisha P. (posted on June 30, 1999)

June 30, 1999
I lost 150 lbs and have weighed under 115 lbs for over 3 years. I use a high quality protein supplement, and avoid milk & sugar completely & totally. My surgery was 5 years ago. Apparently, that combinations works.
   — vitalady

June 30, 1999
I drink 3 liters of water a day and exercise 4-6 times a week. I try to eat every 2 1/2 hours. This doesn't mean sit down to a huge meal. It is usually something simple like 1/2 a yogurt, a piece of fruit, string cheese, 4-oz cottage cheese. Something along those lines. I make dinner for my family and eat with them, but usually skip the meat since I can't keep it down. I have lost 116 pounds in 6 1/2 months and gone from a size 24-26 to a size 12. Good luck.
   — dboat

July 1, 1999
I first want to say that you should always check with your doctor about eating different foods. Every surgeon has their own way of doing things. I am not a doctor, but I have had a Open RNY with a Silastic Ring on April 24th, 1999. I have lost 50 pounds in 9 weeks. At first, I was not doing so well. My surgeon, (Dr. Marema) talked with me and asked me what I was eating. I said meat, fruit and vegetables. It turned out the problem was the fruits and vegetables. My body does not want to lose the weight with carbs, so I must cut out the carbs, and I am now only eating protein. I am on a all protein diet. This is not a problem for me because I am never hungry to start with. I have lost 12 pounds in just a week being on a protein diet. Make sure you clear any kind of diet with your doctor. My surgeon follows me up closely, and I will not be on the "All Protein Diet" for very long. It is hard for your body to lose weight fast if there is any kind of sugar in your system. Fruits and Vegetables break down into sugar, and so do startches. If you have further questions, feel free to write me. I am more than happy to help. Sincerely, Paula in St.Pete [email protected]
   — Paula D.

July 2, 1999
Hi, I stuck to clear liquids and nutritional supplements for 3 months. Was real hard, but I lost 80 lbs in 3 months, and 100 in 5. I use DESIGNER PROTEIN 150 gs daily and vita4life vitamins and mineral composition. Simple, esay, cost effective and effective! Take care, Christine
   — Christine N.

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