I know sugar will cause dumping but what about fructose

I'm having surgery on 8/16/00 and have noticed that alot of products that say they are "sugar free" are sweetend with fructose. Will this cause dumping or will i be safe if the product is sweetend this way? also what about ripe fruits?    — jackie M. (posted on August 13, 2000)

August 13, 2000
I agree with Barb. Just make sure that you check the sugar contain on the label of any food you want to eat or drink. I do ok with 12 grams of sugar or fructose. Some coffee drinks, some yogurts, that you might assume are ok could be loaded with sugar - I've seen some with 43 grams! Become an avid label reader and always measure your sugar if you use it. I love coffee with cream and sugar - and I can tolerate one teaspoon of the real stuff whereas before I'd use two. It is a learning experience, but it helps if you can learn from others' mistakes before you dump! It is a terrible experience! To me, it feels like food poisoning!
   — Cindy H.

August 13, 2000
I agree with Barb and Cindy: HIDDEN SUGARS: Sugar goes by many other names. Read food labels and lists of ingredients carefully when you select food products. Beware of other words for SUGAR: Brown Sugar, Sucrose, Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup Solids, Dextrose, Honey, Maple Syrup, Molasses, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sorghum and Turbinado Sugar. (Remember that Fructose is 0.K. don't confuse it with "high fructose" which is NOT ok..) True fructose is the natural sweetness from fruit.. High Fructose has sugar added.. But some RNY's will dump with fruit so it's a test sort of thing eat just small amount to see how you react to it.
   — Victoria B.

August 13, 2000
I agree with everything that's been said so far. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. Just remember that sugar is sugar is sugar. Meaning, anything that ends w/ "ose" whether it's fructose, sucrose, glucose, lactose, whatever. You're body can't tell the difference. The difference between eating fruit and eating straight table sugar (or drinking juice for that matter) is the concentration. I can eat whatever fruit I want, but dump if I drink the juice. Not a problem since the whole fruit has more nutrients. I haven't had problems w/ sugar-free items sweetened w/ fructose, but I'm sure others have. Just one of those things that you're probably going to have to test yourself to see how your body reacts. My doctor didn't say that there was a fruit that I couldn't eat. Then again, every doctor seems to have their own theory! I think that Barb's comments regarding proximal vs distal is probably right. Distals may have more issues w/ eating fruit that proximal. Not sure on that though. In any case, good luck!
   — Maxine E.

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