I have had an outbreak of herpes on my pelvic area

after surgery. I know I had herpes already but the shock from the surgery caused another outbreak, has anyone heard of this happening? Also, I've heard it said that you should not have arginine in your diet when you have an outbreak. The protein supplement that I am taking lists argenine. Is there a lot of that in protein supplement? I know this is an embarrassing question but so was contracting this unbearable disease 20 years ago. It's still almost taboo to talk about it. Thanks for your support.    — amy P. (posted on August 19, 2000)

August 23, 2000
Hi I work at a Gyn clinic and we treat HSV with Valtrex. Have you tried that? Also sitting in a bath tub with "Alka Seltzer" strange but supposedly releives the pain. Visit your Gyn. And yes any kind of stress physical or emotional can cause outbreaks. Unfourtanetly Herpes is a virus and therfore can lay dormant for quite some time. Hope this helps. Kim
   — Kim F.

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