Help! I need to know if tummy tucks and breast reductions can be done at the same

time. Also, how do I go about searching for the BEST doctor for the job. If you have recommendations I welcome all but would prefer someone in my state of Illinois.Thanks    — SpecialKMA (posted on December 13, 2000)

December 13, 2000
Plastic surgeons can usually do more than one procedure at a time with certain limits. Mine does not feel it comfortble for recovery to do the arms and stomach as you need strength in at least one of these areas to be able to get in and out of bed, etc. Mine did my breast reduction and arms 2 weeks ago. In 2 weeks I will be having my abdoplasty, with implants and neck lift. After that we'll plan 2 more sessions to finish up my lower body lift, thigh lift (each of these will be a different surgery) and he will also do my eyes, lipo my dowagers hump, and revise any scars (the ends of the arms usually are called dog ears and need a second shot to look their best). That is my plan, but not everyone needs or wants, or apparently gets the insurance coverage needed to do all this. However, I have lost 150 lbs this year, after spending 25 years as a morbidly obese person, am grateful for having my life returned to me, and would like to have that life as fully as it was -- and that does not include hanging drapping skin. I had plastic surgeon consults from any source I could get a recommendations -- my WLS, my PCP, local plastic surgery residency programs and finally went with a PS who a girl had used at work. There is a PS website where you can check local referrals and check the state and licensing sites. Interview a bunch of PSs, just like you did for the original WLS. Here again, you don't want the wrong surgery or the wrong surgeon. So far I'm just as happy with my arm and breast lift as I am with my lap DS a year ago.
   — Jill L.

January 13, 2001
In August of 2000 I had both tummy tuck and breast reduction done at the same time. I had a problem with a seroma due to the tummy tuck but this is quite unusual and had to have tummy tuck re-done in October. My plastic surgeon was wonderful and I haven't had any trouble since the last surgery and would recommend it.
   — Cheryl C.

February 25, 2001
My doctor is going to do both of mine at the same time. She said that way you only have one recovery period. My surgeon is in Dubuque, Ia. And I live In Bettendorf, Ia.
   — Jill S.

April 18, 2001
5 weeks ago I had a tummy tuck and a breast lift done at the same time. I stayed overnight in the hospital for observation, and my surgeon is excellent. I am so pleased with my results! It is wise to do them at the same time, more cost effective and one recovery period.
   — Livia W.

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