Has anyone had WLS that also had chronic fatigue. How did you make it after surgery?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on March 13, 2001)

March 13, 2001
Thank you! You sound as though the WLS helped the chronic fatigue and that gives me hope for my chronic fatigue. Did you have open?
   — Judy P.

September 20, 2001
I to suffered from chronic fatigue but this happened to me right after surgery I know this is normal after putting your body through alot but at the time I couldn't help but feel upset about being so tired all the time, I am 11 wks post-op and went through the tired stage for bout 3 wks I feel alot better, and have gotten alot more energy since, I had open-vbg down 48 pnds, feeling pretty good hang in there you will good to soon the best of luck to you.
   — Tricia B.

September 20, 2001
Are you inquiring about chronic fatigue (a symptom that something is wrong) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (a cluster of symptoms considered a disease)? I ask because I have the latter. Nina
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 9, 2004
If you are talking about "Chronic Fatique Syndrome", I have fibromyalgia which is sometimes call "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and I had it before surgery. The post op pain was great and when you added my normal pain to was unbelieveable. Now I am feeling much better 7 weeks post-op. I hope this is NOT what you have. It is very painful and can be debilitating for some. My surgeon told me he did not think this surgery would help very much with the pain of fibromyalgia. Good luck.
   — debi327

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