Anyone interested in starting a support group in Arizona?

I know that there is a support group in Az at the St. Lukes hospital. But, my ins is with Cigna and when they approve my surgery it will not be done there and there is no support group at Good Sam. My IM is on AOL and it is Baplj57. This waiting for approval is awfull. Anyone else feel like that?? lol    — Bev L. (posted on June 6, 2001)

June 6, 2001
There IS a support group at Good Sam for Dr. Newhoff's patients. You might want to call his office to see if you can come to the meetings. There have been patients of other doctors at the meetings before.
   — georgiacarol

June 26, 2002
yes i would be interested in getting a small group together maybe start out slow and work our way out. i live in mesa....
   — Brittney L.

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