Has anyone else had terrible stomach cramping when they ate things like beans?

Every so often I get terrible cramping that makes me double up in pain. My stomach gurgles and cramps. I realized the last two times this has happened I had eaten something with beans in it. Has anyone else experienced this?    — Laura R. (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
Dear Laura, I have also experienced this. The first time was when I was told by the doctor that I could try pureed food. I went to Taco Bell and ate pintos & cheese. The next four hours I was in excrutiating pain and threw up continuously. I ended up in the ER for severe dehydration. The doctor there said the beans cause such gas that I should only eat in moderation. By this he meant one bite. Beans are my enemy. Have not eaten since. You are not alone. Your friend in the WLS journey.
   — Tere F.

July 10, 2001
Beans can cause gassiness. See if you can take beano to help.
   — Dawn R.

July 10, 2001
I just had some Taco Bell pintos and cheese for lunch and they went down well. Yummy, yummy. Beans have been a great source of protein for me on my soft diet. I'm 2 1/2 weeks out and haven't had a problem with them yet.
   — PT LawMom

July 10, 2001
Try the Beano. My sister swears by it.
   — Gina E.

December 16, 2007
Hello, I am a new RNY patient. I'm only 6 days post-op. I tried to eat the same thing yesterday, I got refried beans from Taco Mayo instead. Anyways, I took maybe two bites and the cramping went from my stomach through my shoulders almost instantly after eating them. I won't be doing that again.
   — Amanda Kirby

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