Can anyone help with my diet?

Iam 12 weeks post op and i read alot on this web site. Iam concerned that Iam not consuming enough food to keep my body healthy. My hair is falling out and i often suffer muscle weakness and pain. I have lost about 85 pounds in four months and iam very happy about that, but Iam also worried about my body. I have tried the whole protien shake thing, but i can only drink a few sips and they make me so sick. I was just reading what some peoples daily diet consist of and it just seems like so much food to me. I was reading that some people eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and then dinner. I can only eat one meal a day if iam lucky.Take my day yesterday for example, i had 5 saltines and a small slice of low fat cheddar cheese and i had to force that. Many times i will go days without eating and then i will eat only because i know my body needs something. When i do eat i try hard to get in protien, but i know there is no way i get in 50 grams or more in a day, (maybe in a week). Iam not whinning sorry if it sounds that way, its just that i want to be healthy and skinny :). I made a promise to take care of myself and i dont feel like iam keeping up my end of the deal. Any advise anyone has would be helpful and appreciated, Iam sure iam not in this boat all alone. Last but not least thanks to all of you and your family who are out there fighting for our Country and freedom. God bless America and be merciful to us. Thank you......    — Malynda S. (posted on October 9, 2001)

October 8, 2001
You are in deep doo-doo, sister. You simply must eat 50 grams of protein per day to stay healthy. If you are in that much discomfort eating, get yourself back to your doctor to find out what is wrong. By now, you should be much better. Meanwhile, try eating cottage cheese, yogurt, scrambled eggs and cheese or any thing else that appeals to your appetite. You are not losing this weight the healthy way and are risking your health.
   — merri B.

October 9, 2001
What your doing doesn't sound normal and it definately doesn't sound healthy. If solids are that difficult for you, try liquids again for a while. At least then you'd be getting SOMETHING in your system. I also agree with the previous post, you need to talk to your doctor. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

October 9, 2001
If you eat nothing else all day at least take in 60 grams of protein a day. I am not talking about protein from meat I am talking about protein supplements. Your body needs alot more than you are giving it right now. I know that some of the shakes are not very good but it only takes two shakes a day to start yourself feeling better. You need to get to the doctor and get your labs taken and that will show you want is happening to your body. If you increase your protein your hair will stop falling out too. First thing you should do is call your doctor. I wish you the best.
   — Sherri M.

October 9, 2001
I agree with the previous posters. Have you been checked for narrowing of the stoma? By 3 months you should be on regular foods with little problem. If you want to be skinny and healthy you HAVE to eat! If you go without eating your body will go into starvation mode and hang onto every calorie and every fat cell you have. You will crash your metabolism. Believe me that is how I got fat in the first place. Eat every couple of hours, even if it is one bite, something with protein in it. And check with your dr to see if there is a physical problem causing you to not be able to eat. You need to feed your body so it will drop the weight in a healthy manner!
   — ctyst

October 9, 2001's not that I don't agree with the previous posters, but I think I understand where you are at. I too eat very little compared to a lot of people here. This is due to a number of things. First of all, I am babying my pouch because I want it to stay small as long as it can. Secondly, my surgeon uses the less elastic portion of the stomach to create the pouch, so less stretching than some. And, due to the individuality of the stomachs, sometimes he just has to make the pouch a little smaller. It's not like everyone's pouch is EXACTLY the same size. Also, I did have a narrowing stoma, which was eventually easily stretched. Well...what I'm getting at is that I too eat very little. I'll demonstrate a day's menu here: Breakfast -- whole banana, but stretched over about 2 hours. Lunch -- Bowl of tomato soup made with milk (about 8 oz.) over hour and a half. Dinner -- 2 bites of meat. This is it. Now, I'm getting nowhere near the 50 grams of protein, that's for sure. BUT I am getting better each day, being able to eat a little more each day. Sometimes you have to baby yourself. It's better to eat some real food, as opposed to disgusting supplements, even if there is low protein, like mashed potatoes, soup or applesauce. Yeah, in the long run you need 50 grams, and if you don't get it your hair can thin, but this goal (as far as severe problems) is in the LONG RUN. A few months protein deficiency will not kill you. May slow your metabolism. But I'm trying to learn how to LIVE for life, eating healthy and eating real food. I'm about 4 months out. I've lost 101 pounds in 101 days. My labs are all great. I've gone 2 months now since meeting even half the level of protein. But as I said, I'm getting closer each day. Eating more and eating food, and I will get there soon. So, although I agree that there are ideals that you should try to meet, don't beat yourself up if it takes you a little while to get there. Just keep trying your best. Try to do better EACH day. And make sure to keep your labs up to date. Best of luck.
   — Tracy L.

October 9, 2001
I had a problem with nausea for months after surgery...even when it became mild, it ruined my appetite and made things like protein shakes DISGUSTING. Ginger tea, REAL ginger ale (Vernor's sugar free) and ginger capsules help a LOT with nausea. See your doctor, because there are medications whch can stop it, too. Ask for an appointment with a dietican, who can work out a better diet with IS pretty urgent, or you will lose muscle, not fat, and your hair and all your energy. Or worse. But you do not have to drink protein drinks to get in 50 grams. Got a blender? Buy some creamy chicken or mushroom or potato or bean soup (or anything that doesn't have a lot of sugar,as canned tomato does). Put it in the blender with some milk or water or canned broth, add several ounces cooked chunks of chicken breast or beef or whatever takes you fancy. Cream of chicken with broccoli and chicken breast, or cream of mushroom with green beans and chicken, or cream of potato with lean turkey ham, or bean wih added ham are all good.Canned baby meat is fine, too, but not necessary. Blend until smooth, thin to just a bit thicker than cream, add salt and pepper or other spices, and sip in small doses. Try a 1/3-1/2 cup serving every hour, re-warmed as necessary. Just one chicken breast or 2 cans of ham or tuna per day done this way will keep you alive and much healthier, and the green/yellow veggies are good, too. .....ARTIFICIAL SALT SUBSTITUTE IS PURE and VERY CONCENTRATED POTASSIUM CHLORIDE, and if you are desperately short on potassium, it's a big help to add a little of that. I use light salt, which is a 50/50 mix of regular an potassium salts. Ask your doctor. When you get tired of the soup, switch to a smoothie made with a real banana, or baby food bananas, milk, soy milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese, and diet sweetener. Keep a pint or qt. in the fridge of each type of drink, ready to be warmed or poured at all times, every day. It's good to add a little pasteurized egg substitute (in the dairy/egg case), into either drink, as it is safe (pure protein, too) and you will not taste may be able to slip in some protein powder if you do it this way, and not mind it--much more tolerable than straight "protein shake". (Heck, I'm fine now, and I still can't stomach that stuff!) My hair is growing back, and my energy returned. And I'm down 112 lbs. Try these things dear, and if no luck with them, SEE YOUR MD AND A DIETICIAN before it get worse. You'll be okay. Keep us posted, okay?
   — Jesse M.

October 9, 2001
I haven't had the surgery yet ... but my sister had it nearly 20 years ago and has kept her weight off! She told me that I HAVE to eat 1 boiled egg and 1/2 banana a day - at least! The vitamins/protein in those things helped her to keep from losing her hair! Guess I'll find out myself pretty soon! I'm scheduled for my surgery on the 29th of Oct and plan on listening to ALL the advise of my "little" older sister! Good luck! Carol
   — GallopingAngels

October 9, 2001
Boy, I agree with all the postings. I understand where you are coming from as the first 3 months I did not eat properly. The hair loss thing seems to be something that everyone does at about 3 months. It stops at about 6 months and begins to come back. We were told it was because of protein but were later told that it is because you are going through such tremendous weight loss that the hormones are getting messed up as well causing hair loss in the beginning period. You had better learn to drink a shake supplement for your body to maintain its good health in the long term. I get along really well with GNC optimum chocolate whey. Soy and I do not get along really well. You mix it with the water and then you can add a bit of carb solution liquid protein drink for richness as it improves the taste. You can find that at any walmart or kmart or drug store. It comes in bottles with resealable caps and you just add a bit to your shake for flavor. It is low in sugar content and safe for you. One bottle lasts about 4 shakes, so 4 days and comes in a 4 pack. Also mixing your shake with cold water and cold carb solution also makes it more tolerable. Make sure you blend it well and use a straw and take your time. Straws help alot when drinking as it helps to control the amount of air you take in, lets you not gulp which makes you feel sick. Straws have become my best friend. Please take care of yourself or you will be one of those who are sick all the time. I understand where you are right now. Taco bell refried beans in a cup with cheese is good. Wendys chili and cheese is good. Both are inexpensive high protein and about the right size. Scrambled egg and cheese is good. White label Jiffy peanut butter, simply jiff, is low in sugar and fat and a few pretzel sticks is good. Try to start eating as your pouch has to stretch some so that you can begin to lead a normal life with just eating way less and continue to maintain good health and loose your weight. Good Luck. Debbie S.
   — Debbie S.

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