Why am I soooo tired all the time?

Hello all, I had surgery on June 30, 2001 and my weight loos is going great. I saw my doctor three weeks ago for four month check up and he called a few days later to say that my iron was very low. Since then i have been on additional iron supplements. The last few weeks i have been very tired, its a effort to dao anything. I even called out sick to work yesterday, which i never do, because i was worn out over the weekend. I know the iron needs a few days to get in to my system, but it's been three weeks. Aside from losing weight I was looking so forward to feeling healthy and thats not exactly how i feel right now. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance    — Malynda S. (posted on October 23, 2001)

October 23, 2001
What kind of iron is it? If it is ferrous sulfate, you may not feel any better since that one is not well absorbed. How much protein supp are you taking? And did he tell you what your B12 level is?
   — vitalady

October 24, 2001
I know what you mean. I had the Open RNY on May 8th, and since April I'm down a tad over 100 lbs and I too have no energy. Plus I have guilt over having no energy. I feel like a lazy bum, but I can't help it. I'm wondering when or if "energy" will ever kick in.
   — Danmark

October 24, 2001
I too had this problem. I have to tell you, I immediately began to feel better upon getting a B12 shot (and when my levels came in they didn't even show I was low yet). And, being in a unique position of doing without protein for awhile due to a stricture, I can promise you that it truly does have an effect on energy. For about a month I felt so warn down. I too took a day off work here and there. Now I changed my own hours, working 9-5 with no lunch instead of working at 8. But, I'm finally starting to eat better, and I already feel better. So up your protein...and get your B12 shot. That's my advice. It worked for me. Good luck.
   — Tracy L.

October 24, 2001
Hi--My surgery was 6/12/01 Starting wght 326 down to 240. I too have notice a lack of energy since for about a month now. At my 3 month check up with the surgeon all blood work was normal. I also had to take a day off from work last week (sleep till 2:00.) Last Sat I saw my PCP and I mention not having any energy and being cold. He also said blood work done 9/6 looked good and not to worry;it could be just from loosing weight. I lost 20 lbs from 9/13 to 10/20. I see the surgeon in Dec for more blood work. I will wait till then, but am taking 2 childrens chewable vitamines,B-12 (sublingual)and 2 tums. I've had some hair loss so am taking Biotein, also. Overall,I feel good just tired. Also like you I tend to feel gulity that I don't have the energy I did 1 month ago.I was doing water exercises 5 days a week but cut back to 3. also trying to eat some fruit and veggies. Pre-op--I use to be able to be a counch potatoe, lay down or nap on the weekends with out feeling gulity. Now I feel gulity, but am trying to tell myself if I'm tired then rest, I do believe it will get better. Just need to hang in there.
   — [Anonymous]

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