Is 2/3 of an egg too much to eat 10 days post-op?

I am 10 days post-op. I usually eat about 2/3 of an egg, mostly eat the egg white, and SOME of the yolk, is that too much do you think? thanks.    — Lezlie Y. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
I could eat a whole egg 10 days post-op. Egg is a soft, mushy food that moves through you pretty quickly--it doesn't really stick around long enough to "fill" your pouch. On my doctor's diet suggestions for one month post-op, he recommends for breakfast: one egg, half a piece of toast, and 2 tablespoons strawberries. I don't think you ate too much.
   — Kristie B.

June 10, 2002
Hi! At 10 days post I was able to eat half to a whole scrambled egg with shredded cheese. I took my time and chewed VERY well so that's probably why I could. It didn't hurt me, made me feel full and gave me good protein so no harm, no foul. I'm still only able to eat 1 egg now at 3months post so I know I didn't harm my pouch any :) Good luck!
   — Renee V.

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