How many calories and fat should I have?

I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op, about how many calories do you think I should be getting in? What about grams of fat. ANd how much calories and fat do you get in for 2 months post-op and so on? Thanks!    — Lezlie Y. (posted on June 17, 2002)

June 16, 2002
This morning I saw that Jacqueline Lamphire posted the following and its pretty good info for your question. (thanks Jacqueline!!)
   — Denise W.

June 17, 2002
Like the previous poster I do believe it all comes down to percentages. You can adjust the percentage to fit your goals. I am almost 2 years post op- and I try to lo-carb with my meals. Based on that, I asked my sister to figure it out for me based on a lo-carb PCOS diet/article (here is that original document: ) Anyhow, I think you can adjust it to however you would like (ie if you want to lose, maintain etc. whether you lo-carb or not) Some may argue that they do not want a "diet" and "dieting is how they got to where they were before surgery in the first place"..... No matter what rules you follow: What you put in vs. What you burn = What you gain or lose.
   — Karen R.

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