Has anyone had reg BP meds changed to Toprol-XL before surgery?

At my cardiact visit last week, he took me off my Atacand and put me on 25 mg Toprol-XL. I am finding information (at least 2X in same articles) in medical and medications books that is saying to taper off Toprol for 2 days before major stomach surgery. However, the doc says to take the morning of surgery. My daughter also went through this with a different doc but she didn't take it the a.m. of surgery. Anyone out there had any experience with toprol-xl and wls. I have a history of moderately high BP and am a little worried about it. Thanks.    — larraine Y. (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
Yes, I took Toprol XL before and after the surgery. My doctor had me take it the morning of the surgery as well. I didn't have any problems whatsoever. It sounds like you are on a pretty low dose to begin with. Maybe it's just hte higher doses that you need to taper off off. I don't know. I was taking 100mg of Toprol XL per day and did fine. If you have any doubts, certainly present the information you found to your surgeon and ask them. Good luck to you!
   — Shona M.

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