Can I drink 1 glass of wine a week 4 months post-op?

I know it can be a sensitive subject,but I have a question about alcohol. I am a 22year-old college student. I have so far lost 65 pounds and am almost 4 months post-op LAP RNY. If I were to drink one glass of wine a week, would I be causing horrible problems to my liver and body? Does alcohol have more of an effect on our bodies after surgery? I know I get drunk very quickly, but I'm more concerned with my health. I know alcohol is not necessary, ofcourse, but I'd like to have it as a social drink if I could. Was wondering what you all thought. Thanks.    — Lezlie Y. (posted on September 28, 2002)

September 28, 2002
I am a year out and I love wine!!! I asked my Doctor before surgery when he felt it would be ok for me to start having a glass every now and then. He told me at month 3 or 4. So I tried a glass at month4. It only took half a glass for mr to be tippsy, and 30 minutes later I was fine. It was strange. I am now a year out and it affects me pretty much the same way. I say enjoy!!! I had this surgery to live a normal life, in a normal size body!! And to me that includes a glass of wine every now and then. Best of luck, you are doing geat!!!!!
   — nkoehler88

September 28, 2002
Okay, I guess I'll be the first party pooper. My surgeon said not to drink till 1 year post opp. I know where you are coming from, I'm a 20 year old college student (at one of the biggest party school around). But I'd hold off on the alcohol for a while. For one, it's empty calories. No nutrition but lots of calories (oh dear, I sound like my mom). Ask your surgeon, but my advise is to just hold off for now. You can be the designated driver for a few months.
   — Sarah K.

September 28, 2002
I am a 23 year old college student. I know, it's hard not being able to drink right now! What my surgeon has said is wait until 5 months post op. He says 1-2 drinks is ok, but never more than 2 drinks in 24 hours. Just sip it slowly and see how it affects you. It does go to the liver faster, so we have to watch the amount we drink more now. But the good thing is that we should get drunk faster, so hopefully it all evens out. For me, I can't wait until November, when I'll be 5 months out!
   — Jennifer Y.

September 30, 2002
Wine is the only alcoholic beverage I dare drink after surgery. I had surgery 6/12 and then a month later, I was at a sales meeting where I had 3 glasses every night. No problems at all, but I did notice it started to "go to my head" alot faster. My surgeon says wine on occasion is no problem.
   — emilyfink

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