Weight Gain at 8.5 months...trying not to be discouraged

Ok, I have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip all week, but I am totally depressed. I'm 8.5 months post-op and as of last week I was down 115 pounds, but since Monday I have gained a pound a day!! Today I am up 4 pounds and I really don't understand why. I've been working out every day and I have had at least 80oz (yes, 80!) of water each day and I have not been snacking. I've had weight fluctuation of a pound or so from time to time, but this is the first time since surgery that I have steadily gained over 4 days. Although I am thrilled that I've lost 111 pounds, I still have 50 more to go. I'm starting to wonder if I can do it now. I am typically a very positive person, but this is really throwing me for a loop and my emotions are running a muck. Has anyone had this happen to them and still met your goal?    — pam29922 (posted on January 9, 2003)

January 9, 2003
Have you been checked for staple line disruption? Since it was nothing obvious, like a sugar binge, a sudden wt gain screams mechanics to me. A slow ending of loss would bmean your post-op plan isn't working for you. BUt sudden wt gain? That makes me nervous.
   — vitalady

January 9, 2003
Hi Pamela, I figured I'd throw my two cents in. Have you checked your total caloric intake? I had to write down everything I was taking in and discovered that I was taking in too many carbs, and too many calories. The web site helps to keep track of it, and opened my eyes to the calories/carbs. I am doing better, but I'm not at goal (46 pounds to go, as of weight on my scale today). Open RNY 1/31/02, down 94 lbs. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 9, 2003
this can happen to me when it is that time of month very easily, but then it goes away after the period. Could it be your time? Water weight is a vicious thing for anyone I think. My gut level is that it is a hormonal thing. Good Luck and congrats on your weight loss.
   — Molly S.

January 9, 2003
After about 6 months post-op, I realized that I only fluctuated about 2 lbs. during that water-retention period, compared to about 5-6 lbs. pre-op. I figured it was because our bodies are smaller, and retains less H2O. Well, month 10 rolled around, went on vacation, tried to eat healthy on the road. Thought I did pretty good, but when I got home, I had gained 5 lbs. I flipped out! I still don't know what caused the fluctuation, but that is just what it was. The scale started slowly climbing back down again. Even recently I was wondering if I was done, but have just lost 2 lbs. this week at 14 months post-op. I thought my window was closed. I know, its scary, after all we have gone through, we want to know we will get to the finish line. RNY 11/9/01 250/at surgeons goal/10 lbs. to MY goal. You can do it, keep up the great work!
   — Cheri M.

January 9, 2003
Just wanted to answer a couple of questions that you wonderful repliers asked. I track every morsel of food that I put into my body on Last night I ran a report to see what my average calorie intake was for the past month and where my calories are coming from and this is the scoop: Avg Daily Calories 568, Protein 61%, Sugar 1%, Fat 22%, Carbs 16%. I also work out at Curves 4 times a week faithfully as well as Power Yoga and PowerBand strenth training 2 times a week. I only take one day off from working out. The caveat to this is that I have only been on this particular workout regemin for 2.5 weeks. Prior to that time I was doing only Curves and it was only 2-3 times a week. My DH insists that it's muscle weight, but I don't know how I can gain 6 pounds (YES, it's now 6 rather than 4) of muscle weight in one week. If this is a staple line disruption would there be any other symptoms? Increased hunger? Pain?, etc.
   — pam29922

January 9, 2003
Do you know if you are transected? If you are, then you cannot have a staple line disruption. First of all, I think that at 8 1/2 months out you are way too low in calories. You should be near the 1000 calorie mark. Also, how often do you eat? I would recommend you up the calories right away, add some good protein, and eat something every few hours. It is possible to gain muscle weight with a new exercise regime but I don't think your steady weight gain is from muscle alone. If you try upping the calories and after a week or two are still having weight gain, see the doctor as something is wrong.
   — Cindy R.

January 10, 2003
As strange as this seems, whenever I hit a plateau I eat more to break it. Try uping the protein and best wishes to you in reaching your goal.
   — Carmen K.

January 10, 2003
I got this from "Make the Connection" by Bob Greene on page 78-79. "In addition to natural fluctuations in water weight, when you first start to exercise regularly or increase the amount of exercise you are already doing, your body sends out a signal to retain more water....This may fool you into thinking you have gained weight when you may have actually lost fat." I think you are doing a fantastic job and just think your body is adjusting. Plateaus drive me crazy and I actually have to have my husband hide the scale and only take it out on weigh in days (Tuesdays). Keep up the great work!
   — Yolanda J.

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