After 27 years I need to re-hook or remove intestines to stop kidney deterioration

Bacterial overgrowth has created a d-lactose condition that is damaging my kidneys, does anyone have info as regards re-hooking or removing intestines after 27 years???? I need to remove the breeding ground for the bacteria as oral drug therapy can no longer handle it. Or any other suggestions as to how to get around the problem??    — Jim V. (posted on March 31, 2001)

March 31, 2001
I've never heard of the condition you describe, but it sounds like you may need a revision to a more updated surgery. I had a revision from a 1984 VBG to an RNY in 2000. It can be done, just be sure you find a bariatric surgeon who is experienced in revisions and discuss what you described here to be sure it's possible. I wish you the very best.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 1, 2001
My doc used to do the old JIB's, way back when. He has reversed or changed many to RNY. They so much prefer the RNY life! If you find a doc who has been doing surgery for a good long while, you should be fine.
   — vitalady

October 7, 2003
Hope before you give up and get more surgery you have a board certified infection doctor involved to assess the situation. Sometimes people need iv antibiotics at home for six weeks to kick resistant infections. It can be done but don't know anything about this particular type of situation. Good luck.
   — John N.

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