Can the Birth Control pill

all be absorbed after the RNY Gastric Bypass?    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Hi. I checked on this also and the answer is NO. No the b/c pill can not be absorbed enough to provide adequate protection. My ob gyn gave me a depo shot 1 month post op and I will be having a tubal ligation in a year. I am a nurse and I asked 5 doctors at the hospital I work at, including my wls surgeon and they all said the same thing. I have also read this on many sites. Good luck to you.
   — LISA K.

April 9, 2001
I was told that the pill would not be an effective form of birth control. I had my tubes tided along with my Lap RNY. Worked well for me.
   — smummert

April 9, 2001
I asked my doctor the same question and he said yes, it is still effective. I went on the pill immediately after surgery. I was on it 4 months and it worked fine. I went off it for other reasons.
   — Jeannet

April 23, 2001
Hi, I had the RNY nearly 5 months ago and I have taken the pill for a couple of months now and my body doesn't seem to be responding. My period just comes when it wants to and they're not shorter, lighter and less painful like they were when I was on the pill before my surgery. So I guess the answer would be no. But I'm not sure if a higher dose would work either.
   — [Anonymous]

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