Anyone have elevated liver enzymes and nausea @6 weeks post op?

I am 6 weeks post op and since week 2 have been nauseated 24/7.Went to PCP and he gave me medicine for nausea and sinuses. Called yesterday and took me off all medicines except Paxil as my liver enzymes were over 3 times the normal. They are faxing them to my surgeon. I have appt. with surgeon Sept.13th. Anyone have constant nausea due to elevated enzymes? What causes them to go up? What can be done to lower them? Janice Thanks friends I am down 54 pounds    — janice G. (posted on September 8, 2001)

September 9, 2001
Hi Janice! My results of the liver function test where abnormal. The tested me for hepatitis, which came back negative. The ER Dr. wants me to have a liver biopsy. I think that is a little premature. They are going to schedule an ultrasound, Upper GI, CT Scan, and More Blood Work for the next couple of weeks. This was done by me PCP. My surgeon is on vacation, so I haven't been able to get in touch with him to find out what he thinks is going on. My liver functions where fine as a MO person. Even taking mega doses of Cholesteral meds. I think it could have to with me being into starvation mode for so long because of my major malabsorbtion. Let me know what you find out, please, And I'll let you know what I find out. Good Luck, and God Bless--
   — CohenHeart

September 9, 2001
Hi Janice, my liver enzymes were also elevated. They were actually three times the norm. I had blood tests once a week, every week for 7 months. Checked me for hepatitis etc. They finally returned to normal. My PCP felt that I had a "fatty" liver (surprise!! The rest of me was fat- why not my liver LOL!) It is now back to normal. Good luck!
   — Cindy K.

September 10, 2001
My liver enzymes have been elevated pre-op. I too had Hepatitis tests (A, B, C), ultra sound (at least 2), CT scan, MRI, and THEN the liver biopsy. Fatty Liver. The ultra sound was useless -- too hard to visualize anything. Talked w/ my surgeon about this -- they may stay up after surgery, but the hope is that losing weight will drop the liver enzymes & reduce the fatty liver too. Good luck.
   — Mel M.

September 11, 2001
I was scheduled for surgery when I had a gallstone attack. My gallbladder was taken out 4 weeks prior and I had severe abdominal pains. After all the testing, the doctor said I had gallstones lodged in my bile duct sphyncter. My liver enzymes were 4 or 5 times higher than normal. Once the gallstones were removed, my liver enzyme count returned to almost normal. Even though my gallbladder had been removed, I still had gallstones. The good news is I have been rescheduled for surgery on 9/25.
   — Debra P.

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