Did anyone with rosacea notice an improvement after surgery?

I have rosacea...ugly redness and breakouts on my face. I was wondering if anyone who also suffers noticed an improvement after weight loss? I hate having it so very much, and keep thinking that even with a thin face, I will hate looking in the mirror. Thanks for any replys.    — Linda D. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
Hello: I am 5 months post op and had rosacea also. I have noticed a BIG difference since surgery. But I also had that creme to put on my face everyday also.I am no longer using the creme and my redness is fading to a problem of the past. Good Luck....I hope that yours clears also, I know how much of an embarrassment it can be.
   — Joi G.

January 10, 2002
i dont know if i had rosacea, but my cheeks were always red a blotchy. i thought it was my extremely high blood sugars that were doing it. Now I dont have that problem, and my sugars are normalized. Not much of an answer, but that was my experience.
   — blank first name B.

January 10, 2002
At first reading, this seemed like a silly question. Wls...improving rosacea. But...when I really thought it through....I can see the connection! The cause remains uknown...there are several theories... but people with it are told to avoid (among many other things) alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, emotional stress. If you're a person whose rosacea is triggered by these things, then the emotional benefits of wls and changed eating habits certainly could help. Who would have thought......
   — [Anonymous]

January 10, 2002
I am so glad that you asked this question, because I too have this and never thought that this surgery would help clear this up. This is just one more reason for me to have it!
   — Nicole F.

March 1, 2009
My rosacea did improve after WLS. I use the Clinique line of products to keep things in control. My best guess is that sugar was a trigger for my rosacea but didn't realize it pre-WLS as I didn't think I was consuming lots of sugar. (I wasn't paying attention to all those hidden sugars.)
   — Christine439

March 1, 2009
I had rocacea prior to WLS and post-op but not as bad. I am an RN in a dermatology clinic and the redness comes from the blood vessels that are so easily dilated and the frequency they do this. So if there were issues prior to WLS that would affect them, it may be better post-op. The list that my dermatologist gave me included avoiding drinking hot beverages, alcohol, eating food with Italian spices and avoid hot showers. Using a daily sunblock is also important year round. They help some but I have been able to get laser treatments to my face a few times ( Once a month every other month) and the redness is significantly better. The laser constricts the blood vessels. It can be costly and somewhat uncomfortable but well worth it! I got tired of being asked if I had been on vacation in the sun or if I was overheated due to the redness. I was even asked if I was an alcoholic and I don't drink. My doc told that people with a history of blushing easily tend to have this problem as adults. Mine in the kind without the acne. Best of luck!
   — AuntPamcakes4six

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