Warning female question about periods.........

I wonder if any of you were allowed to wear tampons during your surgery and post op hospital recovery???? I hate the whole pad thing and my period is due during my hospital stay I would love to feel as normal as possible. Any personal experiences would be helpful. Thanks    — lovemonterey (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
I don't know about other hospital or doctors but my doctor don't allow you to wear tampons they give you a kotex pad to put on. Because some doctors put a cather and the tampon would be in the way. When I had my surgery I was on my cycle and was kind of shy about it the nurse said ahh don't worry about it we are use to dealing with women on their cycle. It made me feel better.
   — Sharon T.

August 14, 2002
Not a big deal, but it is a bit awkward. Take your own pads with the self adhesive on them. It is really hard to maneuver when you have an IV in your hand. The maternity pads they give you slide all over the place and I was not as quick as I would have liked to of been.
   — Sue A.

August 14, 2002
Hi. Reason for no tampons during surgery is not because it would be in the way of the catheter (different orifices!) but because tampons can function as reservoirs for infection. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

August 14, 2002
I was on my period when I had my surgery and was not allowed to wear tampons. The reason being....if something happened during surgery and you were not able to "care" for yourself immediately after....the nurse might not know or remember that you have a tampon in and would not remove it. This raises the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrom (TSS). This is what I was told in the hospital. I't not a big deal. After my surgey I couldnt have cared less about this.
   — skymaxjr

August 15, 2002
I got my period the night after surgery when I was in ICU. The nurses helped me to the bathroom - and even had to wipe for me... talk about humiliating!! The only nice thing was that I was still sedated that I barely remember it! Ha ha ha. When I was moved to my own room, they gave me a big absorbent blotter to sit on - but I didnt need it. For some reason, my period - which is normally 5 days - was over in 48 hours.
   — Valerie H.

August 15, 2002
Wendi, I noticed that everyone told you why you're not allowed to wear tampons during let me tell you why you CAN'T wear them during your hospital stay/recovery. I got my period the day after surgery (they say trauma brings it on sometimes). I had open RNY and let me tell you that I could hardly sit up on my own and wiping myself in the bathroom was a job I couldn't even dream of doing. Now...imagine proping your leg up or bending down to use a tampon! NO WAY. I couldn't even dream of it. Pads, pads, pads. Seriously...I;m sure everyone is different and maybe some people were more mobile than me...but I'm 24 and in decent shape for someone who is overweight, and I couldn't have done it. Good luck and God Bless ( probably won't care about using a pad post-op, as long as it's easy :)
   — Kelly C.

August 17, 2002
I had just had my period right before my surgery on July 15, but got it again within two days after my surgery...I haven't had it since...
   — Trish R.

May 3, 2003
I was told by the nurse who discharged me from the hosp. "no tampons" she didnt say for how long. I dont know why it would matter after Surgery, but the stranger thing was she told me in the same breath that I could have sex if it was comfortable. Now Im no Dr, but if I had to pick which was more sanitary, a wrapped tampon, or a penis...
   — Shannan B.

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