Have you ever felt faint when going out in the heat after WLS?

I had my surgery May 12th, and am now 10 days post op. I decided to go to WALMART with a frined and the second I got out of the car and headed to the store and can barley stan and felt everything going in slow motion. I felt nasus and wanted to die. What would this feeling have been? Dumping, dehydration? Before the outing I had sat in the sun for 20 minutes while havign a WElches, No sugar added popsicle. Any one with similar situation. I was really scared.    — christina L. (posted on May 22, 2003)

May 22, 2003
You say that the popsicle is "no sugar added" - what about the natural sugars? I believe that the natural sugars in fruits/fruit drinks/popsicles, etc., can cause dumping.
   — Carolyn M.

May 22, 2003
It sounds like you had a bit of hypotension, or low blood pressure, most likely from being mildly dehydrated. At 7 months out, if I don't drink enough water, I get a little lightheaded when I stand up. Are you getting in plenty of water? You may have also had some dumping from the fructose in the popsicle. I doubt if this episode had anything to do with sitting in the sun. (sounds pretty nice to me!) And it's good to hear you are getting out! This is one of those things you will learn to deal with (and do the things you know will prevent it from happening again.)
   — koogy

May 22, 2003
Man oh man..I felt that way on my 5th day - temps were high and I was soo miserable in the sun. Thought I was going to pass out. Happened after both my c-sections too. I still find that the heat hits me harder, IF the sun is involved. Otherwise, I relish the warmth :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 22, 2003
Hello: I will be 2 years post op in August and I still get like that when it is REALLY HOT....When I get to feeling better after a big glass of something VERY cold......I can generally deduce that I had not had much at all to drink....DEHYDRATION......DRINK DRINK DRINK....It is SO important......During the summer months...I increase my fluid intake to over 150 ozs per day just to keep my body hydrated....It sounds like alot...but not much over about a 16 hour period...
   — Joi G.

May 23, 2003
Beware of the words "NO SUGAR ADDED" I dump on them everytime. It sounds to me like thats what you were doing too.
   — hooterzgirl75

May 23, 2003
My surgery was in Oct. and I have been faint or woozy about 6 times. All my blood work is normal and BP fine so the Dr. isn't worried. I just put my head down (between my legs) until it passes.
   — Tawnda C.

May 23, 2003
I am 1 month out and the same thing happened to me, only it wasnt very hot out, and I was almost 2 weeks out, I went to my Pcp and my blood pressure had bottomed out it went from 132/80 post op to 106/68 she took me off my bp meds and, and now it runs 114/76 with no meds! I had been on bp meds for about 10 years. You could also be having low blood sugar, if it had been a while since you had eaten.
   — wizz46

May 24, 2003
Even at 2 1/2 years post op I get what I affectionately refer to as "the jigglies". I feel lightheaded, a little faint, and I feel like I should be severely trembling but it's only on the inside. I spoke with my PCP about it and he said as long as it happens only a few times a year (maybe 3 or 4) that I shouldn't worry about it. It could be a combination of a dip in blood sugar or blood pressure or mild dehydration. If I feel it coming on I have a piece of hard candy or a bit of juice and within minutes feel fine. All of my labs are perfect so I'm not too worried about it. Hope you figure it out and best wishes to you.
   — ronascott

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